Episode 12

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INT - Cruz's apartment (2003)

"A smile, eight year old Cruz stood outside the doorway to his apartment, his mother standing beside him. She was thin, with thin black hair. The hallway was dirty, with trash littered across the floor and pests crawling along the walls in broad daylight. The doorway to Cruz's apartment didn't have a door, rather a large cloth dangling from it's threshold to keep some form of privacy for his family."

Deep male voice from inside the apartment

Okay, you guys can come in!

"Cruz's mother bent down to look at him in the eyes. Cruz excitedly bounced in place, encouraged by his mother's soft smile"

Cruz's mother

Okay Cruz, I'm going to cover your eyes. Are you ready?


Yes! I'm ready!

Cruz's mother

Okay, let's go!

"Cruz's mother stood up, grabbing his hand in one hand and covering his eyes in the other. She slowly walked them through the cloth and into the apartment, greeted by a scent of spice-scented candles and oven pizza. She quickly took her lifted her hands from over her eyes and Cruz's father (a short Hispanic man with wispy jet black hair) and brother (a thin, sickly boy in a wheelchair) both shouted at him"

Cruz's family

Happy birthday!

"Cruz's eyes opened wide as he saw their small studio apartment. It had small brown wooden round table sitting directly beyond the threshold in front of a small kitchen and a living room slash bedroom to the left where there were two beds lined up against the wall on the floor, leading up to an old school CRT TV. Cruz rushed to the table where he saw his birthday cake - a honey bun with eight candles. Next to it was a small oven pizza, split into four slices for each other them to divide amongst themselves. Cruz clapped joyfully as he hopped into a chair at the table and grabbed his slice of pizza"


Oh my god! Thank you guys so much!

Cruz's father

(Holding his smiling mother by the waist) Make a wish son.


Hmm, okay!

"Cruz closed his eyes for a few seconds before taking a deep breath and blowing out the candles of his honey bun. He then began to to wolf down his slice of pizza, nearly devouring it in two bites"

Cruz's mother

What did you wish for dear?


Well...I kinda cheated...I wished for two things...

Cruz's father

What were they son?


The first thing I asked for is a Wonder Man compass! Like the one he has in the cartoon!

Cruz's father

Do you mean something like this?

"Cruz's father reached into his pocket and pulled out a silver compass, putting at the table for Cruz to see. Cruz excitedly snatched it up, spinning it around in his hands as he examined it. It had a clamshell design, with a shiny reflective silver shell. When he opened it he was greeted by a picture of Wonder Man, a cartoon superhero of Latin origin, who wore a green spandex suit and a yellow cape. Along with his picture was the words in bright yellow lettering: WONDER MAN. Cruz hopped out of his seat, rushing to give his father a tight hug"

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