Chapter 1.

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My name is jun and i am 15 years old and i live in Niagara Falls with my two brothers Ash and Austin.

Ash is the oldest the big 18 year old he's over-protective and the parent of the house whatever he saids go's and i hate that he's stubborn so u cant him what to do i guess he has a job that is so how do u say big and unnecessary he's the boss of a shipping company from here to China.

Austin he goes to my school he is basically a babe magnet he's Cool freah and doesn't show any type of emotions he knows to stay close to me because wants to protect me because he loves me like a jewel a ruby Austin is really the responsible one of the family and he knows what to do at any given point and whenever we talk he keeps saying he's ready to die at any point in time he's kinda cold but i know his good side ive seen him smile and laugh like a real laugh whenever he laughs in public he looks like he hates u or u annoy him its weird

But as for my parents there both dead cause they die protecting us from a fire or whatever

Austins pov.

Austin: Jun get up we have to go let go

Jun: mmhm

Austin: all right *slash*

Jun:Ahhhh....omg Austin im going to kill u

Austin: u gotta catch me first *laughing*

I run out the room and she was right behind me i jumped on the coach and she jumped on top of me (not like that) she punched me playfully and was laughing

Jun: why did u do that u punk

Austin: it wasnt my fault u wouldnt get up so i slashed cold water on u *laughing* do u feel fresh and woke now

Jun: yea but that was bogus say sorry

Austin: nope not going to happen

She sat on the coach and crossed her arms and legs and started pouting

Austin: Jun im not going to apologize

She got up

Jun: ok im never going to talk to u again

Austin: o really

*Tickles jun*

Jun: *laughing* stop ......Austin....ahh going to pee

Ash: whats going on here why are u not dress and gone already

Jun pov

Jun:hey big brother how u doin

Ash:Austin Explain

Austin:who die and made u king i don't have to do or say anything to u

Austin walks away with that cool expression on his face

Ash: go get dress and hurry and get to school i hav to go

Ash kisses my forehead and leaves. its funny thats the last time i see him for the day until tomorrow

Two hours later

Im in history half sleep until the bell ran for are break that everyone has for a hour im walking down the hallways and girl name jamie is looking at me more like mean mugging me i look away but im stopped be another girl that fell with a hole bunch of books and im guessing she wears glasses cause there on my shoes

Jun:are u okay

Unknown: yea. Thanks

I help her pick up her books and put them in her locker down the hall i give her glasses to her and look at her face and she's so adorable she like a puppy but not in a dog way

Jun: wats your name

Unknown: w-who me

Jun: yea


Jun: its okay u can talk to me

Unknown: Shizuka

Jun: im Jun if u dont mind me asking wat dose your name mean

Shizuka: o it means quiet,shy and intelligent wat about yours

Jun: it mean beautiful jewel

Shizuka blushed

I laughed

Shizuka: w-wats so funny

Jun: u your so shy and pure

Shizuka: is that wrong

Jun: no its great well i think its great cmon i want u to meet someone

I pull her arm and took her outside to the lunch area and there i saw Austin at a table full of thristy girls that he keeps trying to get away from

Jun: Austin, Austin

He runs to me and pushes us in the janitors closet

Jun: so how was your day big brother

Shizuka pov

Big brother ? Austin kurokawa is Jun's brother but i Austin
And i know he'll never noticed me with all those girls around or ever

Jun: whatever um i want u to meet Shizuka she is my friend

Austin: hi so how dose someone like u meet someone like my sister

Shizuka:i actually

Jun: she tripped and fell and i helped her up and at that time we just talked

Austin:is that right

Shizuka: um yea

Austin:well any friend of jun is a friend of me

Jun pov

Shizuka smiles

Wow thats good Austin likes Shizuka finally he never liked none of my friends he they were either to dangerous or up to no good but he sees something in Shizuka and i need to figure that out

Jun: Austin?

Austin:hmm yea


Jun: can u do me a favor


Jun: i wanna see something can u hugg her plz

Austin:no no no

Jun:plz for me

Austin:huuuh ok


Shizuka: *jumps in surprise* yea


She starts blushing hard her whole face turns red *laughing*
She likes Austin ok thats good to know

I grab Shizuka and run out the door

Jun: ok thanks Austin see u at home

Jun:Shizuka here's my number call me ok..

Shizuka:ok no problem bye


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