Our moms The Queen of Arendelle and The Queen of Corona are part of the Boridum family have been in question of when they will see each other again. Sadly our Queen of Arendelle Marie Boridum died on a visit to Corona (along with King Jamison Boridum of Arendelle and all other riders on ship.) In sadness the Queen Victoria Bordium went into the kitchen searching the shelves for a sharp knife in the organized room as it became obvious too search the utensil shelfs for the knifes she found one she put a piece of cloth from the drawers and went up into her attic and scratched it against her heart she was in agony but she survived so she decided a new way she opened the curtains and walked over to the balcony as she dropped down onto the grass scared and she zoomed down she got down as she bled down in death the king got up at 6 past 4AM feeling that something was missing he ran out with the joyless guards opening the castle doors then locking it quickly forgetting that the newly married Rapunzel and Flynn were sleeping in there beds peacefully. He walked out watching the women lying on the grass the blood soaked everywhere he cried for the next half hour he felt tons of pure water soaking onto the women (he may or may not have had a tantrum) emptily he walked back into the castle wondering what to do with his life. He thought deeply he made his desicion. He was soon to leave the castle for his sister Madeline Lisop he woke the happy couple up about to make them sad. "Ok Eugene and Rapunzel something has happened this morning that we may not mention ever again. Your mother has committed suicide which has left me no choice but too crown you two King and Queen of Corona!" Rapunzel sobbed on her husbands shoulder "what could let this happen what decided to bring her down she was my mom and your not gonna break my heart are you?" She cried as Eugene tried to cheer her up the next day they were crowned. For the next few months life was normal-for a King and Queen but soon enough it was morning the maid brought mail over they read it all bill for $600, a bunch of letters that they made the butler's reply too but one letter not fanmail but from the beautiful Princess Elsa and Anna of Arendelle. It read 'we are having a cornation for your new Queen Elsa may you bring presents it will be on May 3rd 1662 all day' they nodded in approval and walked over too a ship waiting for them.
Our Old Modern Stories
RandomChapter 2 will likely be published tommorow. I'm horrible at editing btw so there's very long sentences and paragraphs