chapter 4 : meeting Luke

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"h-hey Jason." I whispered.

"how ya liking the school so far?" he asked me

"um its ok..."

"well that's good maybe at lunch we can sit together if ya don't mind?" he asked me unsurely

"yea that'd be nice." I replied with a burst of new found confidence.

"ok good." And that was all he said until the end of class


"so let me see your schedule!" he said excitedly.

As he was looking at the schedule the bell startled me and everyone quickly got up while I remained seated waiting for Jason to be done. Then his eyes lit up and he grinned.

"Guess what!?! We got 4 classes together!!!! And I can walk you to your next one since we have the same class!"

"yay!" I said with a burst of excitement. I was still shocked how this boy just got me to change my whole attitude. He grabbed my arm and started pulling me to the next class and I just smiled. When we finally arrived to the next class I walked to Mr. Wyatt and he politely said to take a seat in the back 2 open spaces.

So I decided to sit right behind Jason and then I heard some gasps. I wondered what people were doing that about so I looked up and then realized they were all staring at me.

"J-jason d-did I do something wrong?" I asked him as he slowly turned around.

"no angel its just that this bo-" he was rudely cut off when this dark black haired, aqua blue eyes, tall, and tanned boy interrupted him.

"um im sorry but that's my seat" he remarked in a rude tone.

"oh.. im sorry" I said and was about to get up when Jason told the dude to just sit in the other seat.

"um no Jason its ok I can give this seat to.... Um...."

"luke" Luke told me.

"yea well I can give it to Luke if it was his seat its only fair" I quickly replied and covered my eyes with my hair and sat down. For the whole rest of the class I kept quiet and didn't say anything to anyone and when it was over I quickly got up from my seat and left the classroom.

Completely forgetting Jason its just I couldn't deal with him right now. I walked threw the hallways and decided on skipping lunch and just sitting outside by the tree I saw. As I got closer I began to feel the tears burn at the back of my eyes. I mean why did this have to happen to me? was it something I did, did I so something wrong.

I finally sat down at the tree and put my head on my knees. I just miss my parents and with that I bawled my eyes out. Soon enough there was the sound of a bell so I got up and did what I do best, wiped the tears away and smiled. As I made it to my art class I relaxed a little because ever since I was young I loved art, it was something my father had taught me and ever since then I pursued it. I saw my teacher there and she looked very old but she looked like she had experience. I walked up to her and asked her where I may take a seat and she said anywhere.

It appeared as though I got there a little early. So I took at seat at one of the round tables. There were a total of 6 round tables and there were 4 chairs at each so I took the one in the farthest corner, hoping no one would be sitting here. Then the about 3 minutes later 2 boys came walking in, one known as Luke and the other was a tall, built, hazel eyed, and brown haired boy.

once again I apologize for the spelling and grammar I hoped you enjoyed it... if you have a book you have written if you comment it ill be happy to read it! the next update should be soon maybe this weekend I really hope you like this book! :) sorry if you didn't :/

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