The Journey to Hogwarts

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Marlene McKinnon woke up to the noise of her mother shouting "come on Marlene if you don't wake up soon you and your Brother are going to miss the train !"

She slowly sat up and mumbled "fine I'm up" as she rubbed her eyes and yawned. Eventually she began to chuck all her belongings into a dark brown trunk, "morning Erwin" she said to her owl stroking him on the head before getting changed out of her Purple and Blue striped pajamas into some messy jeans and a black crop top. Deciding to skip breakfast she chucked her hair up into a messy but and put on some boots before grabbing her heavy trunk, Erwins cage and walked towards her fathers ministry car that he had ordered

"Ok Mum I'm ready to go now" she said passing her belongings to her father who put them in the boot of the car.

"Finally !" her younger brother Max yelled as he angrily pushed his short blonde hair behind his ear.

"Oh I'm sorry but some people don't get up at 5am in the morning just to get ready for school" she said shoving him slightly out of the way so she could do her seat belt up.

"Marlene for Goodness sake your brother is right you should have hurried up, and don't shove your brother" she said angrily

"Are we all ready to go then?" Marlene's father asked as he turned on the car.

After 4 long hours the Mckinnons arrived at Kingscross, Marlene got passed her bags and said her goodbyes "I'll see you at Christmas" she said smiling kissing her parents goodbye.

"And you'll write to us at least every month?" her mother asked "of course" she replied kissing her goodbye.

"Marlene come over here for a
second" her father said, she nodded and quickly walked over to him. He put his arms on her shoulders "you need to be careful you know that we are now classed as bloodtrators now so make sure you keep your wits about you, look after Max and especially your friend Lily some people will treat her differently now, promise me you'll stay safe" he says tightening his grip on her shoulders.

Marlene nodded nervously "of course I will, look after Penelope and Martin for me" she said thinking about her other younger brother and sister who still hadn't gone to hogwarts yet.

He smiled "don't worry Marlene it'll be ok this will be all over soon, now go or you'll miss the train" he says kissing her head then passing all the bags to her "have a good 5th year, I love you".

Marlene quickly ran onto the train looking for her friends or someone she knew that she could share a carriage with. She began to carry her heavy trunk down the hall when she felt a tap on her back then a loud squeal before she was embraced.

She pulled away and was faced with a long ginger haired girl "Lily ! Ive missed you so much !!" She smiled

"So have I !!" She squealed again before pulling her along the busy corridor "Lily where are we going ?" She yelled over the sound of excited students.

Before Lily could reply Marlene was shoved into a carriage and greeted by many voices yelling "Mar !" She smiled and looked around "Hey, Emmeline ! Alice ! Mary !"

After a bit of trouble and some help from Lily she shoved her bags in the overhead compartment and sat down "so how's your summer been guys?" she smiled

"Yeah ours was good" Emmeline smiled nervously tucking her long curly hair behind her ear, she looked over at Mary "well mine and Lily's anyway"

"What happened ? Mary are you ok ?" Marlene asked beginning to panic

Mary looked up grimly "I'm sure you already know about it Mar it's just that the war has been getting worse and now my uncle has gone missing because he's a muggle born and my family is worried it's death eaters" she said looking at her feet

"Oh Mary I'm so sorry it'll be fine, soon this'll be all over and your uncle will be back before you know it" she said rubbing her shoulder sympathetically

After a long pause of silence Lily mentioned that they should begin to get changed as they would be arriving at Hogwarts soon, so they closed the blinds of the carriage and began to get changed.

After they were fully clothed Marlene brought some sweets from the trolley to share with everyone and then began to describe her holiday when a cocky voice interrupted her "sounds like you had fun McKinnon"

Marlene turned around to see a shaggy black haired boy standing at the door of her compartment she sighed "what do you want black"

Sirius walked into their carriage followed by Peter Pettigrew who was continuously shoving Bertie Botts into his mouth and Remus Lupin who was very interested in his book on defence against the dark arts.

"So where's the other member of my favourite people in the world" Lily mentioned sarcastically.

The three looked at each other and laughed "ugh Lily don't you know James is a prefect ?" Sirius smirked.

Lily's mouth dropped but she quickly hid her surprise knowing it would give Sirius pleasure to see her surprised "w..well you still didn't answer my question"

Remus looked up from his book and mumbled "he's in the prefects carriage"

"W..well as long as he's not here... WAIT WHAT ?! THE PREFECTS CARRIAGE ? CRAP !" Lily yelled running out of the carriage 

Peter was sat on the floor playing with the carpet, when he looked up and told the very confused group why Lily had run out "so how was every ones summ-" but before Peter could finish he was interrupted by Sirius

"so guys did you miss me" he smirked looking specifically at Marlene

"Of course" Marlene said sarcastically she was about to talk about how she wasn't looking forward to unpacking her very full suitcase when she was greeted by the sound of the train stopping.

The group grabbed their bags and walked out of the train immediately they lost each other in the crowd of excited first years, so Marlene continued to walk towards the self drawn carriages looking for a friendly face when she walked into 3 very sly looking Slytherins .

"Oh hey McKinnon how's your family ? Still got their wonderful blood traitor ways or have they actually grown up to realise that the death eaters rules are final" Bellatrix a olive toned curly black haired girl mentioned laughing hysterically.

"How's your family Bella grown up to realise that the death eaters are just some little club started up by a weirdo ?" She smirked

"Don't you dare mention the death eaters as a club, AND DONT YOU ARE SAY THE DEATHEATERS WAS STARTED BY A WEIRDO, the dark lord will kill you one day for that" Bellatrix yelled

For some reason this girl made Marlene's blood boil, she had hated her since their first encounter and the way she had treated Lily.

The other two Slytherins stared angrily at her from behind Bellatrix "oh look you still have your little pets" Marlene smirked "Lucius, Narcissa" she nodded at them.

"You little .." But before Bellatrix could finish Marlene was pulled away she turned around to see Sirius dragging her to the side.

"What the hell are you doing ! Your already trying to get killed and we haven't even got to school yet !" Sirius yelled putting his hands on her shoulders "you need to be more careful Mar" he said calming down

"I don't need your help black" she said shrugging him off before quickly walking back towards Bellatrix

From the corner of her eye she could see Sirius following her "Sirius stop already I'm a big girl I don't need your help !" she said turning around and staring at him

"well I don't want you to get in any more trouble again" he smirked as they got into the first carriage they could find unfortunately they had lost the others so would have to find them at the feast so for now Marlene would have to put up with Sirius.

Hey guys sorry for that awful mess of a fanfiction its my first attempt so there may be a few plot holes or gramma mistakes, please tell me in the comments how you think it went and wether you think I should carry on writing my fanfiction or not 💗 I love you all that you for reading this (if you read it all comment a sassy turtle 🐢 or *turtle emoji* if it doesn't work)

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 01, 2015 ⏰

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