It was a cold and frosty evening, the Sun was setting while the Moon was rising. The city of Cloudstale was bustling with busy citizens who would gladly stay at home at any given moment. Along the crowd were two teenagers, Scarlet and Sora. Though they're the only ones that call each other by those said.
As Sora was being dragged by Scarlet, he was doing his best not to panic as he hates surprises, especially if it has to do with wearing a blindfold.
「 どのくらいの距離ですか?もう目隠しを外してもいいですか?ゆっくりしろよ女 ! !」['How far is it? Can I take off the blindfold now? Slow down you woman!!'] Sora complained along the way which the girl ignored. Eventually they made it to their destination.
「 私たちはここにいます!もう脱いでいいよ。」 ['We're here! You can take it off now.']
Sora took off his blindfold only to be blinded by the view in front of him.It seemed like a forest but with more space, covered by a thick layer of snow. Crystal-like flowers could be seen from patch to patch as well as tall, enormous trees that were towering over them. Animals ,who were more tolerant to the cold weather, were scattered about being playful as they were. It took Sora a while to take his eyes away from the scenery.
「 おお!なんだ、ここは?」 [ 'Wow! What.. is this place? ] Scarlet couldn't help but giggle at his shocked expression.「ようこそ、私の質素な住居へようこそ!」ここはLIL' DEMONとたむろする場所です。かなり前からこの場所を案内したいと思っていましたが、この場所を「破壊」しないということを彼女に説得するのは難しかったです、ふふ![ 'Welp, welcome to my humble abode! This is where I would hang out with lil' demon. I wanted to show you this place for quite a while now but it was hard to convince her that you wouldn't 'destroy' this place, hehe!' ]
Sora looked at the petite girl with the most adorable look. "「この場所はとてもクールに見えます!こんなたまり場があったらいいのに。そうすれば、私たちは永遠にそこに留まることができたのに」[ 'This place looks so cool! I wish I had a place to hang out like this. Then we could've stayed there forever! ] He chimed like an excited toddler. Scarlet melted at his excitement 'So cute [TvT]' 「ここを気に入っていただけて嬉しいです」[ 'Glad you like it here.']
「それで、先ほど私に何か伝えたいことがあると言っていましたよね...?」[ 'So, you said you wanted to tell me something earlier... right?'] The white haired girl blinked for a second. 「ああ!そうだ、うーん...それについては忘れるところだった。ああ、なんて言えばいいんだろう?」 [ 'Oh! Right, uhm.. I almost forgot about that. Oh god, how do I say this?']
She took some time before finally answering .「私が何か言う前に、私を憎まないと約束してください。」[ 'Look before I say anything, promise me that you wouldn't hate me, Please?'] She pleaded hoping he would understand.「もちろんよ!私があなたを憎むことは絶対にないわ、それはあなたも知っているでしょう。」 [ 'Ofcause! I would never hate you, you know that.' ] She took a deep breath and let it all out at once.「あなたはおそらく私のことをそんな風に思っていないでしょうが、私はあなたにすごく夢中なんです。あなたは私のボーイフレンドになってくれるか、それともただ付き合ってくれるかなと思っています!!」[ 'You probably don't even think of me this way but I have this huge crush on you and I was wondering if you could be my boyfriend or just go out with me!!] A crimson red covered her face as she waited for a response.
「私は...ごめんね、スカー。でも私はあなたと同じ気持ちじゃないし、それに...私はちょっと他の人が好きなの」[ 'I... I'm sorry Scar but I don't feel the same as you do and besides.. I kinda like someone else' ] There was an awkward silence between them with Scarlet trying her best not seem upset. Finally Sora broke the ice. 「あの、あの...ごめんなさい。ただ...」[ 'Hey, uhm... I'm sorry ok. It's just that- ' ] 「大丈夫です。あなたの言いたいことはわかります」[ 'It's fine. I understand what you mean' ] Scar cut him off as she wiped her ruby eyes. 「でも...ただ知っておいてほしいのは、私があなたを愛していること、そしていつでもあなたのそばにいるということ...私は行かなくちゃ」 [ But... just know that I love you and that I'll always be there for you... I- I gotta go' ]
「SCAR、待って!!」[ 'Scar, wait!! ] He tried to catch up to her, not hoping for the worst, but she was fast like she always was. He was trying to say something but was failing miserably. 「私は...私は-」[ 'I... I -' ]
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" Ahh! " SOARIN gasped as he got woken up by a scream. It took some time for him to realize where he was.
He was in his lil' hide-out, the place which he just dreamed of. After taking a few breaths he calmed downed down. " Oh god why this dream again? " He was confused on why this kept occuring.
What puzzled him the most was why was it the only thing he remembers clearly. It's as if it was an important step to get what belonged to him again.Soarin got up from his spot but not before looking back. " 'sigh' I miss Scar. I'll find you someday, I promise." He whispered as if she was still present.
" SOARIN!! " He winced at the shout, who was Spitfire. " OK! I'm coming, chill!!" He looked back for one last time before running towards the source of the sound...
RomansA man trying to find himself. Searching through his memories as if it's a photo album. Only to realise that the pages were in front of him all this time but not next to him. Both people in front of him and next to him have the same intentions but fo...