Entry 29: The Countdown Begins

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Saturday, June 1

Today was the first real breath of freedom after that whirlwind of a science fair. With only a week left before school ends, you'd think things would start slowing down, but nope — not for me.

I woke up around 11 AM, which felt like heaven after that late night yesterday. The morning was pretty chill, but then Sammy decided it was his mission to be as loud as possible, banging his toys around and singing some song that sounded like a mix between a car alarm and a parrot with a cold. I barely dragged myself out of bed before he started screaming for breakfast like he hadn't eaten in days.

After breakfast, I hung out with the guys online. We played for hours, and Lo managed to pull off one of the most epic fails in gaming history. He had this plan to snipe all of us from this high tower, only to get headshot by a random NPC. We laughed so hard, even Leo said he'd never seen anything that dumb.

By afternoon, I realized I should probably get out of the house before I became permanently glued to my chair. I grabbed my bike and met up with the guys at the park. The weather was perfect, the kind that almost makes you forget you have school again on Monday. We talked about our plans for the last week of school, which mostly involve trying to pull off one last epic prank that'll go down in middle school history. Lo has this wild idea involving balloons and water, but I'm not sure we're ready for that level of chaos.

I got home just in time for dinner, which Mom insisted on being a "special family meal" to celebrate the end of the school year. It was spaghetti, so I'm not sure how "special" that really was, but hey, food is food.

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