the fic

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I was awoken by the sweet sound of the birds singing and the sun shining outside my window, which was still covered in ripped clothes from last night. I had the sound of Phil snoring in my ear, so I wasn't able to hear every single note the birds made. I glanced around the bedroom to find it a complete wreck. I couldn't stop thinking about the night before.
The most alpacamazing night of my life.
Phil was so passionate, but fierce when he wanted to be. He made me feel loved. He made every moment count.
'Phil, Phil stop snoring, you're going to drive me insane' I said, as I nibbled at Phil's neck to try and wake him up.
'But Dan, I'm worn out, you really worked hard last night didn't you?' Phil said whilst rubbing the sleep out of his eyes.
'I did try, but you did promise me that we could do it again today' I said, whilst staring into Phil's eyes.
'Yes, but not now' Phil yawned.
'You don't want to make me wait, do you?' I said, whilst placing my hand across Phil's naked crotch. I found a large bit of lace wrapped around Phil's waist. It was a thong. 'See, we had so much fun last night'. I started feeling around Phil's body, trying to find a place where I could grab him. I found the edge of the thong, and bit it hard into my mouth. I dragged the rest of the thong down Phil's legs and over his feet, before he finally looked into my eyes.
'Dan, let's do this, let's make this the best we've ever had' Phil whispered into my ear, whilst breathing heavily waiting for me to start.
'Let me get something first.' I said, and dashed towards the wardrobe, pulling out a hairdryer. 'Open up' I said, as I chucked the mucky duvet onto the carpet. I knew that the hairdryer was Phil's favourite bit, so I wanted to make sure he remembered it. I could see his face fill with fear, but he still let me carry on.
I wedged the hairdryer up his hole, the smaller hole of course, and plugged it into the wall. I could see it stretching and stretching, and Phil's face looking more and more red.
'This hurts, Dan, please stop', but I kept going further and further, until I reached the point where he was about to bleed. I switched on the hairdryer, and could hear the warm air circling inside his body.
'Dan this really hurts now' he complained.
'Don't worry, it'll get better, feel the sensation' I said. We waited for a few moments until he really acknowledged what was happening, and how much he loved it.
'You're right, it's like a tingling sensation inside me'. I could see his cock rising, higher and higher until I had to push it down again with my hand. I twisted the hairdryer around, and around, making sure the hot air was everywhere inside him. I switched it off and released Phil from my arms. I pulled the hairdryer out of him, and licked the cum off of it. I wanted to vomit, but I knew Phil would like it. I could see his eyes becoming wider and wider.
He wanted more.
'Dan look' he said, pointing to an apple we had half-eaten a few nights before. 'Bring it to me'. I jumped up, wondering what he was thinking, and grabbed the bitten apple off of the cum-ridden floor. I passed it to Phil, of which he gained a slight glisten in his eye.
'Come here, Dan' he whispered, and I crawled over to him as slowly as possible, as I didn't want it flapping around underneath me.
'Turn around' he said. I did what I was told, and laid down on the carpet. I could taste the white stuff coming off of the carpet and going into my mouth. Phil shoved the apple up my hole, making me squeal as it went in. It went higher and higher, and got to the point where I was crying of pain.
'Phil stop! Please!' As his hand was as far in as he could reach. He grabbed my legs and started banging them against each other. I could hear a crunch coming from inside me.
The apple had split. There were now small pieces of apple floating around inside me. I stood up, with pains making it almost impossible. I walked across the room to close the curtains, when I hear a quiet thump on the ground. It was apple. A large slice had just fallen out of me, and was covered in blood. Phil crawled over to me, and grabbed the apple chunk from in between my legs. He also grabbed one piece that was stuck in my hole, and made sure it was fully covered before taking it out.
He bites.
He bites, he chews and he swallows. He takes another bite, and carries on until the rest of the apple is now gone.
'Delicious' he said, which made me slightly aroused.
'I want more' I said, whilst tugging at my own penis. 'I need more, Phil'. I said, whilst getting angrier and angrier at the second. I reach for some lipstick, which I never knew we had, and start coating my lips in the blood red colour. I get closer and closer to Phil, until we were in each other and couldn't move by ourselves. We fell on top of each other onto the bed, getting ourselves covered in each other. I could feel Phil digging into me, but I knew I had to forget the pain if I wanted a good time. I started kissing his lips, and nibbling at his cheeks. My lipstick marks covered his face, making him seem like he had been ripped to shreds.
'I want you to remember this moment' I said, whilst kissing every other part of the body, leaving marks everywhere for Phil to see. I licked the marks off his penis, making sure that it was looking it's best, and started sucking.
'Dan stop! I don't want anymore' said Phil, making me seem a little angry.
'You what?' I shouted, as he ran off into the kitchen, slamming the door behind him.
I was furious, and ran after him, wiping off the lipstick as I went along. I could see the house was trashed, we must have had a good time to make it this messy. 'Come out, come out wherever you are' I sang, whilst tip-toeing into the kitchen. I turned the sticky door-handle, to reveal naked Phil lying in the middle of the kitchen floor, with his body covered in lipstick marks.
'Dan, please stop, I don't want anymore' Phil said, whilst covering his face with his large, masculine hands.
'Naughty Phil, I'm going to have to punish you. You know that we can't stop unless we've been going for at least 2 hours, don't you?' I said, whilst crawling over to the cupboards, licking Phil's body as I went along, leaving a small blood trail behind me from when the apple was there. 'Now, Phil. Do you want me happy - or do you want me angry?' I asked.
'Happy, of course' Phil said.
'Good boy, now turn over, I want you to remember this forever'. I grabbed a Kinder Egg from the cupboard, and unwrapped it. Phil turned his head to look at what I was doing, but I quickly hid it before he could see anything. 'Now close your eyes' I said, and Phil did what he was told. I walked over to Phil's legs, and opened them a small amount, just enough so I could see his wiggly warntipple. I could already see Phil getting aroused just by my voice, and he began to breathe more heavily. 'This is going to hurt a little bit, and I want you to scream as loud as you can, just enough so the neighbours can hear'.
I pushed the Kinder Egg into Phil, ripping him into shreds. The blood went all over the kitchen floor, and all over the kitchen cabinets. Phil screamed the loudest I have ever heard him scream, and this made me feel better. 'Good boy, Phil - now be quiet' I said.
'How can I be quiet when I am in bloody pain?!' He screeched.
'Now, Phil, I said be quiet'.
He did what he was told again, and covered his mouth with his blood covered hand. I waited until he stopped bleeding to release my hand, but I kept the Kinder Egg inside of him. I walked towards the kitchen door, and locked it to make sure Phil couldn't escape. 'That's what you want isn't it? You want me to be happy?' I said, whilst slowly turning back around to reveal Phil now huddled up into the corner. I crawled back over to him, and started licking again. I kept licking for 6 minutes, and by this time we were tugging at our own, both getting aroused as we went along. Everything felt good inside, but then Phil dashed to the door, almost slipping over on the blood. He grabbed the door handle, and starting turning it, trying to get the door to open. I kept tugging, as this all was getting me more and more aroused. It took Phil quite a long time to realise that the door was locked, and by this time I had already crawled over to him and was licking him. Phil turned around, and stared out the window. He walked over to the fridge, but before he could make it, something fell to the ground.
It was the Kinder Egg. The blood and cum covered Kinder Egg.
It fell to the floor, and split in half, creating a blood puddle in between Phil's legs. I walked over to him, and started kissing the lipstick marks all over his body. I got lower and lower until I reached his ankles. Phil stepped forward, jumping over me towards the door. I snatched the broken Kinder Egg off of the floor, and held it in front of Phil's face. I could see that he knew what I was going to do with it. I started licking the blood and cum off of the chocolate, leaving a small amount for me to have later. I bit into it, and I could see Phil now starting to tug at his own. I could taste everything. The blood. The cum. The chocolate - and it all worked well together. This was the first time I had tasted cum and blood and not want to puke afterwards. This felt special. I kept chewing and biting, until there was nothing left to eat. I let Phil lick the rest off of my face, and I could feel his penis rising up against me. I felt a hard push against my chest, Phil pushed me to the floor.
'You know what Kinder Eggs do to me' Phil said, whilst lying on top of me, whilst kissing my lips between words. 'I'm going to have to repay you, Dan', he said, and rolled off of me towards the cupboard. He opened the doors and searched around the cupboard. 'Ah, here we go' Phil said, as he reached for a Creme Egg from the back of the Cupboard. 'Your turn, Dan' He said, whilst he unwrapped it, and shoved it into his penis. He shook it around, and tugged it about. He squeezed the Creme Egg out of his hole, forcing it to fall onto the floor covered in any cum that might have been leftover. It created a small cum-puddle on the floor.
I called it a cuddle.
The colour made it seem like it had just been thrown up.'Open Up' Phil said, whilst grabbing my mouth and stretching it open. He grabbed my chin, making it feel like it was getting ripped off his face.
He cracked the Creme Egg in two, and placed one half inside my mouth. He closed my mouth, and started opening and closing my mouth to get it chewed. It was small enough to swallow after about 8 pushes, and so I swallowed. It was disgusting. Revolting. Words can't describe how disgusting it was. I felt like I was going to puke because of how disgusting it was. Phil didn't care though, and he put the other half inside my mouth. This time I chewed myself without assistance, and swallowed. It was even worse than the first time, as all of the blood had built up in my mouth.
'Are you finding it hard to swallow? Let me help you' Phil sniggered, whilst taking hold of his penis. 'Here you go, this'll make it easier.' He took a large breath, and started to urinate. He first of all peed all over the floor, but then got some aim and directed it into my mouth. This was not a fun time. I had a mixture of urine and blood circling in my mouth, which made me vomit. It splattered all over the floor, creating a disgusting 'coral' coloured stain on the oven door.
'You have to swallow if you want the taste to go, honey' Phil whispered. He peed some more into my mouth, and forced me to swallow. Weirdly, this made me more aroused. I knew Phil liked it, and I did too. He kept going, and I kept swallowing until there was nothing left to swallow. We were both smiling at each other, it felt good. I started to kiss Phil again, and he kissed me back.
'I'll go get the hairdryer, I'll have it this time' I said, as I dashed to unlock the door and ran to the bedroom, leaving Phil pulling at his own waiting for me to come back. I found the hairdryer, and wiped off any leftover white stuff from previous use. I ran back into the kitchen, to see Phil literally sucking himself off. I waved the hairdryer in front of Phil's face, and quickly handed it to him. He plugged it in, and shoved it into my hole. I could see what he was on about now.
It did hurt, but it was a sensation.
I could feel the warm air circling inside me, making me feel all tingly. It's like I had pins and needles in my penis. It felt good, it felt beautiful, but then Phil dug deeper. I felt a sudden burst of pain, but then it was all good again. I couldn't get used to the pain, and quickly yanked the hairdryer out of my hole. It felt better, and I felt a bit more relaxed. I could see Phil wanted more, so I plunged the hairdryer into his mouth. It blowed any cum or blood that was previously on the end of it into his mouth, and I could see his eyes widening. He didn't like it, but I kept the hairdryer on. I could see his eyes watering, and he started to choke. I didn't want my baby to die, so I pulled the hairdryer out of his mouth as fast as I could. I let him catch his breath, and I hugged him as tightly as possible, making sure he was alright.
'Get the deodorant' Phil squealed, so I did what I was told. I grabbed the most full bottle of deodorant I could, and dashed into the kitchen. I run back in to reveal Phil perfectly fine, standing up with his leg pressing up onto the cupboards. His crotch was on full show, but his odd socks were making him slip everywhere across the room. 'Come here' he said seductively, and I knew what I was going to be doing with it. He lifted up his penis, and put the deodorant up his anus. 'Spray - for me' he said, as he grabbed my hand and put it over my hand. Phil directed my hand to the button, and pushed. I could hear the deodorant blowing up his hole, and I could smell it coming out too. It smelt horrific, but it weirdly turned me on. I could see his eyes get more and more sexual, and I liked it.The longer it went on, the more I wanted it to stop, so after an hour, I yanked the deodorant out of Phil, It was a good thing too, as the deodorant ran out. I lead him back into the bedroom, as I was tired, and just wanted something passionate now. Phil was kissing me the entire way there, and I was gagging at the smell of deodorant coming out of him. I grabbed his arm, and flipped him upside down onto the bed. I could still see all of the lipstick marks all over Phil's body, and I could see every single piece of furniture covered in cum. Pieces of apple were everywhere, and I couldn't help but notice the blood stains on the carpet. I lied on top of Phil, and started pushing into him. I could hear him moaning, and so I carried on.
'Phil, can we do it again tomorrow?' I asked, with the small amount of breath I had left over.
'Of course' He promised

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