Imagine 1

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You are a girl who turned 16 one week ago, you are brown and you've got green eyes.
You have a job in a super market and you are still studying.
You are in your bedroom looking for your phone when your mom calls you:
- Y/N the meal is ready !
- I'm coming !
You give up the searches and get down to reach the kitchen.
- I'm hungry !!!
- So eat !
- Where is dad ?
- Hum ... He's still at the job for a meet up
- Well, that's change !
- Honey ...
- I know "He's working for us, because he doesn't want us to be like him when he was a kid" you know what ? I'm not hungry anymore, night'
- Hey wait ...

You stand up from where you were sitting and go toward your bedroom.
And you continue your searches.


You wake up at 9 a. m. (too early for holidays) because of your phone who's buzzing. (You finally found him after 1 hour of searches)

- Jesus Christ ! Who is calling me at this time !

You answer your call:

- Hi ...
- Hi pretty girl !
- Shawn ! I hate you, you know that I am still sleeping at this time !
- I know sorry but I have a good news.
- Well, tell me then.
- Guess !
- Man, I like you but I just woke up so if you continue you're little game I'll kill you !
- I see that you are in a good mood today ! Anyway, I'll go on a tour in 2 weeks !
- Oh ... Hum ... Yeah I always knew that you'll be an amazing singer !
- Thanks ! Are you fine, you've got a weird voice ...
- No I am just really happy for you !
- I hope so, well I have to go, see you !
- See you !

He hangs out the call and you just let yourself fall on your bed. Why he leaves you again ...?
You have to tell him !

From you to Shawn:

Can I see you later ?

From Shawn to you:

Sure, when ?

From you to Shawn:

At 3 p.m. ?

From Shawn to you:

Perfect ! See you xx

From you to Shawn:

See you xx

You decide to sleep a little more, then you wake up at 11 a.m.
You get out of your bed and go to your bathroom to have a shower.
Then you brush your teeth and your hair and put some make up on.
Now it's 12 a.m. and you go to your kitchen to eat some food. Your mother is in the kitchen (obviously):

- Hi honey. How are you ?
- Fine and you ?
- Fine too, you don't seem fine at all.
- It's just that ... I mean ...
- It's just what ?
- Shawn go on a tour in 2 weeks ...
- Oh I see, and you didn't tell him ?
- Huh ?! Tell him what ?
- Are you kidding me ?
- What should I tell him ?!
- That you love him !
- I don't ...
- Are you telling me that you don't care about his feelings ?
- How did you know ?
- It's not a secret you know, I just have to see you looking at him.
- Well ...
- So what will you do ?
- I "date" him at 3 p.m.
- Good start, you know you have the time, you have 2 weeks.
- Nope ! If there is a possibility that he loves me then I want to start something before he leaves !
- I see. Anyway, I think you are old enough to know what you are actually doing. So eat your meal !
- Hey mom ?
- Yeah ?
- Thank you for your support, I love you ...
- Oh my god, who are you and where is my daughter ?!
- I try to be nice and it's how you act ?
- Roh you know I'm just kidding !

After the meal, it's 1 p.m. and I decide to read a book.


It's finally 3 p.m. And you are really anxious but at the same time excited.
You leave your home with a little "good luck" from your mother.

You walk 15 minutes and finally see the park that Shawn and you used to go.

He comes to you and hugs you.

- Hi pretty girl !
- Hi ! I miss you ...
- We just talked this morning !
- Yeah. I know sorry ...
- I love when you're blushing.
- Hum thanks, I think ...
- So, why do you want to see me ?
- Hum, I just want to see you before you leave m ... Hum go on tour.

He looks at you really seriously:

- I won't leave you.
- Yes you will ... But I can't be mad at you cause it's your dream ...
- You know that I'll come back.
- Yeah I know ...
- And we will call each other everyday !
- Yeah ....
- I'm so sorry, I don't want you to be sad because of me !
- Anyway, I went here for one reason.
- What is it ?
- Wait it's not that easy.
- I have to tell you something too. Do you want me begin ?
- Yes please.
- Well ...
- I'm waiting.
- "It's not that easy"
- He he, I love you.


- What did you say ?

He smiles.

- Me ? Hum nothing.
- He he idiot !
- Hey !
- I told you I love when you are blushing.
- What I'm supposed to understand ?
- I love you too.

You look at him and start to cry.

- Hey, no,don't cry please.
- I don't want you to leave.

He opens his arms and you go hide in them. You are still crying but when he puts his lips on yours, your sad tears stop and your happy tears start rolling on your checks.

- Then come with me.


Imagines Shawn MendesWhere stories live. Discover now