I walk down to the bus stop, a bounce in my step. I always loved this part of the day. My music blaring in my ears and a groove trying to break from my body.
I always felt better if I started the day with my music and a dance. I'm pretty sure it's scientifically proven to improve your mood, well depending on your music choice.
My brother eyed me disapprovingly as I sung out loud to my song. This didn't bother me at all, I was used to it.
He thought dancing was annoying and that "I looked stupid". But I swear that boy thinks happiness is annoying as well so we just ignore him.
My bus arrives and I hop on, resuming my seat 9 seats back on the left. Easily identifiable by the carved metal pole in front of my seat.
Someone before me was obviously bored on the bus.
I turn my music up and zone out, trying to block the loud and obnoxious kids on my bus. I think over the lyrics, let them wash over me, and before I know it, my bus is 30 seconds away from school.
I say goodbye to the bus driver and head up to my locker. I drop off my bag and walk to the front gate. Sitting on a step to wait for my friend Tess.
I scroll over my Pinterest, then Instagram, and of course see what that annoying distant relative has posted on Facebook.
I look up just in time to see Tess get out of her grandma's car.
"What's news?" I say to her
"Just the ushe" (her way of saying usual) " ya know, sibling boxing matches and arguments over 'whose school jumper is this' ". She says the last bit imitating her mother.She comes from a larger family than mine a household of six.
We go to her locker then walk a few laps of the school gossiping about the latest updates.
Amy, as usually is late, so we catch her on our way to class. Luckily the three of us have English together so we head off to that.
Our English teacher is a young lady, who is waaaay too nice to be a teacher. The boys mostly give her shit but the girls all love her. Understandably because she's so sweet!
Whenever the boys are giving her shit it usually ends up with most of the girls backing her up and telling the boys what we're all thinking but she's too nice to say. That being "fuck off" of course.
English goes quickly and then it's recess. I pull my musli bar from my bag and head with Amy to our usual seat.
Tess joins us later with a snack from the caf.
"What's the food of choice today, T" I question.
"Well, I've decided to go for some 'Salt and Balsamic Vinegar potato chips' " she says in a posh voice, holding the packet out so we can see the label."Always over the top" Amy laughs.
Tess has a habit of reading food labels as fancy as possible, always including all ingredients in the description.
"Quick, shut up and sit down Tess I've got tea!" Amy says.
Tess over exaggerates her haste to sit down, nearly dropping her chips.
"Shit" she mumbles as the packet slips."Okay, so yesterday I heard Tara asked out Lucas," Amy paused for effect.
"So? What did he say?" I asked.
"He obviously said yes, right? She's popular and pretty... and a bitch. But boys like him don't care about that shit so," Tess looked to Amy for confirmation.
"On the contrary actually."
"No way," I whisper.
"He said no?" Tess yells in disbelief.
"Oi, don't shout it out," Amy scolds.
"So he said no?"
Amy nods, her eyebrows raised.I couldn't believe it, could Lucas Evans have standards and morals? Could he look past her pretty face and see what we saw?
I shouldn't give him credit. He's probably just one of those boys who doesn't "date" anyone, just hooks up.
We chatted for the rest of recess then headed off to our seperate classes. I had advanced science and the others had art.
I passed Lucas laughing with his friends. I couldn't stop looking at him, I was deep in thought about whether I misjudged his personality or not.
Could this cold 6 foot dark haired boy have layers to him?
I suddenly bumped in to a tall figure.
"Watch where you're going Ranga bitch," a boy yelled as he walked off."Dickhead," I whispered to myself.
My hair was always the easiest thing for them to have a go at. I had natural fiery red hair which even when plaited back, kinda stood out.
I quite liked my hair, but the only other people who seemed to like it were old people. So I tended to try and hide it.
Never hated it enough to dye it but not confident enough to wear it out proudly. So it stayed in a sleek plait.
I headed off to science my mind shocked back into focus.
I wanted an 100 on the up coming test so I locked in and focused hard. I could get an 100 on nearly any test I wanted if I tried hard enough and once you get full marks on one thing, there is kinda a pressure to get it on everything.
My mum thinks school is really important and I think that passed on to me because now I have an unhealthy obsession with academic validation!
I like feeling smart. I think it's a security thing. You can take nearly everything but you can't take away knowledge.
The rest of the day moves quickly and soon enough I end up on the bus home.
I do my chores and eat dinner with my family at the table, another thing my parents insist on doing.
I'm a custom to it now though and if I'm honest, I kinda like it.
I shower then head off to bed.
I lie in bed, my music blaring in my ears. Thoughts of my upcoming test fill my head, along with plans for the weekend, books I'm reading, and Lucas denying Tar—
Wait what?!————————————————————————Please be nice this is my first time trying this. I'm just doing this for fun so my uploads won't be frequent but I hope you enjoy!

Focus Red Heart
RomanceEden is an academically focused student, who doesn't have time for distractions. So when she finds herself distracted by a boy, of all things. A boy. Her head is telling her to resist and focus but..... her heart? Well- the heart wants what it wants.