January 25, 2012 - Diary
The clock struck 8:30 PM as I stepped off the LRT at Legarda Station. The bustling energy of Manila seemed to press down on me as I decided to make a quick detour to an internet café. It had been weeks since I'd been online, ever since I arrived in this city. I felt disconnected, like I'd been cut off from my life in La Union. I had no idea how my friends were doing, no updates on their lives, no shared jokes or memes to lighten my day. My phone had gone missing soon after I arrived, along with all my contacts. I sighed as I logged into Facebook.
The notifications flooded in—a cascade of messages, friend requests, and tags. Where do I even begin? I clicked on the first message, and to my surprise, it was from my best friend, Vince.
I wasn't prepared for what I read. Vince, my childhood buddy, my confidant, had just confessed something monumental: he was bisexual. On top of that, he revealed that he was married now, to a man. Same-sex marriage, legal in Canada, had allowed him to take a leap of faith. He met his husband on a site called Planet Romeo.
Curiosity got the better of me. What was this Planet Romeo? A quick Google search revealed that it was a social media network, similar to Facebook but catering exclusively to men seeking men. Intriguing. A sly smile crossed my face. "Why not try registering?" I muttered to myself, feeling an odd mixture of amusement and nervousness.
I brainstormed usernames, but my mind kept circling back to "niceguy87," the moniker of the stranger who'd once found my lost paycheck. Unfortunately, the name was already taken. After some thought, I settled on "mikearchangel01," a playful nod to my favorite archangel, Mike.
I couldn't help but wonder if the user of "niceguy87" on Planet Romeo was the same person who had found my paycheck. I searched for the username and found a profile. No photo, just basic details—22 years old, from Singapore. His latest status update made my eyes widen:
"I'm still new here in Planet Romeo. I've never been in a relationship with a guy or been attracted to one before. I was purely straight, with several ex-girlfriends. But lately, I find myself falling for a guy, and I don't know where these feelings are coming from. I'm confused. I love my girlfriend, but I can't deny this... Can anyone help me?"
This man was living in a whirlwind of emotions. Compelled to reach out, I sent him a message.
"Hi, niceguy87. I saw your status. Are you Chinese, Filipino, Malaysian, or Thai? You don't have a photo, so I'm curious."
I knew he was Filipino, but it felt like an easy conversation starter.
"No, I'm Filipino," he replied quickly. "I'm working here in Singapore. Are you Filipino too?"
"Isn't it obvious?" I teased. "Quezon City, Philippines is on my profile."
He laughed, an "Ahehehe" that felt warm despite the distance.
"Did you read my status?"
"Yes, I did."
"Do you think you can help me?"
I hesitated, not sure what advice I could give. "I'm new here, too. But I think you should follow your heart. Go where you're happiest."
"That's easier said than done. My girlfriend and I have been together for years. And what if this guy doesn't even like me back?"
"That's tough. But can you suppress how you feel for him—for your girlfriend's sake?"
"I don't think I can. I melt every time he smiles at me."
"How much do you love your girlfriend? Can you avoid this guy for her?"
"I love her as much as I love my job here. But avoiding him is impossible. We work together, and... her dad is my boss."

Michaels in Love - The Michael Diaries (BoyXBoy) English
RomanceMichaels in Love by KUSEPONG In a world where every love story feels unique, there are those rare souls destined to share the same name, the same desires, and sometimes, even the same heart. In Michaels in Love, five men named Michael cross paths ac...