°•°• Old Artwork 6 °•°•

87 23 14

This is the last one, and actually the oldest one! It's from 2021 through 2022.

I need everyone silence about this one, because if this man sees any hate comments, and decides to diss us? Then we are really doomed.. like.. ending our lives is the only way left!

Have you guessed who he is?

Let's see:

Quick Disclaimer:
You need my clear permission to reuse any of my art anywhere.. if you don't get it, it's a theft and I'm going to report and call you out on all my platforms.. I'm going to bring friends to mass report you..
Thank you for understanding to what extent I put effort into my art

Thank you for understanding to what extent I put effort into my art

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Yeah it's this bitch..

What I don't like:

• Nothing.. Eminem is perfect🥰❤️ (😨)

What I like:

• Sketch slayed so bad. It looks so much like him

• facial hair ate (kinda, wish ithe hairs weren't too formal)

• hands and fingers sketch? So realistic! I wish it had more shadows and contrast though cuz it definitely needs more.

• the eye is so good..

That was everything in my vault! There are much more drafts but they are not finished and they overall don't look good enough to share.. hope you enjoyed this journey with me!

Posting these has definitely brought back so many intimate memories and awakened my 15-through-16-year-old-teen heart, which is very warm and cozy ☺️🥰

A message from my heart to y'all, this is organic and authentic:

Please read and don't comment on this:

I've had my times when I felt like art was not really the best choice for a guy (but it's really a flex for me now..)

You know I get these insecure feelings sometimes when I'm like "ohh.. I don't really fit in with the boys around me, like we don't even have the same interests" or like "oh no! Boys should like this or that, they should watch soccer and do sport etc etc" and I zone out like "aren't artistic things for girls more?" And I still get thoughts of the same essence, but not with art anymore... (Which is kinda dumb cuz many international artists are male including Picasso)

And even the topics I drew didn't give me a boost of security.. cuz most of the things that I drew are cute rather than sharp and grand.. which led to me turning down some opportunities in my school cuz I was afraid to expose the subjects that I drew in a gallery for example, and the one girl who relatively had less art skills went super viral.. but I get it now.. it's not about the talent, it's more about seizing the opportunities..

So I still sometimes get these insecure, but at the point where I'm at right now with art, I'm like "if a man or a male guy sees my art and he doesn't get inspired or at least appreciate the effort, then any of his complaints about the subject I drew doesn't add up cuz what do you mean you don't see the talent and only focus on the subject?!"

Cuz yes I catch myself seeking validation from other men, a lot actually, which definitely reflected on the subject choice of my art.

But now when I draw, I care a bit less than before because I know that most of the attention will go to the realism and the details and not the subject, and I'm confident in my skills after too much practice

I got many complaints in my beginnings, about me drawing only kpop figures at those days, and I get it cuz it's not really that viral here, and not favorable as well..

I hated that I might've looked like an obsessed fan, but I liked the aesthetics and the color palette of the references, and for a long time, I told everyone that "my sister chose the references for me" cuz I hated being a boy kpop stan, but now, I think I care less about this..

Nothing changed about the social judgement, but something changed in me I think, I think I stand for my interests now. If anyone says "oh but kpop is xyz" I'm like "well.. maybe, but I like the songs.. it's a matter of personal tastes"

Yes, I had an obsession phase, and I don't really like it or think it's healthy.. you shouldn't have a life based on someone who doesn't know you exist and talks kindly to you cuz you're the reason they are getting money, and cuz it's their job.  And this is my advice as someone who personally was obsessed..

In fact now I like only the music, maybe the fits, but nothing more than that.. which means I have more things in my life to care about. I think I'm healthier now.

If you have read everything until this sentence, I've revealed some of the things that were on my mind for a long time.. I'm not really obsessing over these thoughts, but they definitely existed for a long time.. I asked you not to comment so you read and feel what I'm trying to convey..

But now please, if you read this, comment here.. anything, even just a dot.. just so I know it reached people and they read it.. cuz I actually, want people to read it.

🎊      🎊
You have reached the final piece of art I have so far!
I hope you enjoyed it, or got inspired, or learned from my mistakes, or maybe it caused an ignition in your soul to shoot your shot and try to kick off your art journey, which by the way has many branches and paths and is never limited to realism..

Hope you liked this.. I'm not gonna ask you to do or say anything to me anymore.. just do what you feel called to do

I truly love you


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