Chapter 19

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"Remember to meet us at the border," Redwillow hissed into Hollowflight's ear. The dark brown tom flicked his tail. "Sure, definitely! I'll bring Beetlewhisker and Icewing." "And I'll take Ratscar and Applefur with me," Redwillow purred.

"Hey, what are you two planning?" Mapleshade strutted over to them, her voice smooth as honey. Redwillow instantly knew that it was going to be impossible to lie. "We're planning to meet in daylight. All of the trainees," he explained, claws digging into the ground and muscles tensed in case Mapleshade thought it was a bad idea.

But to both toms' surprise, Mapleshade nodded in approval, her amber eyes glowing. "That's a good idea. Why, I wish all our young cats had the same loyalty as you! Go ahead, Redwillow, Hollowflight, with the whole Dark Forest's approval." "Thanks, Mapleshade!" Hollowflight exclaimed, sagging with relief.

They all bade farewell, and Redwillow closed his eyes, feeling daylight seep through his eyelids. It was dawn. He yawned and stretched, but he felt more excited than tired. They were finally going to meet in daylight to train and discuss about things! He dashed from his nest to talk to Ratscar and Applefur. 

Doubling back to wake the still-sleeping Applefur, who mumbled something incoherent but sat up, blinking rapidly, he beckoned Ratscar and when Applefur finally joined them, the fur on her forehead still rumpled, he whispered, "Make sure to be back at camp by sunhigh." Both looked confused, but nodded, understanding that it had something to do with the Dark Forest.

"Redwillow! Join Dawnpelt and Scorchfur and go along the ThunderClan border." Rowanclaw called him, and he padded over to the dark gray tom, dipping his head. Scorchfur let out a grunt and set off. On the way to the ThunderClan border, Redwillow noticed that Dawnpelt was looking rather tense, and guessed that she still didn't trust ThunderClan after what had happened with Flametail.

When they had arrived, Ivypool, Hollyleaf, Brackenfur and Berrynose were already setting their own scent markers. Dawnpelt drew back her lips in a snarl as she spotted the ThunderClan cats. Opposite her, Redwillow noticed Ivypool's neck fur rising as she met the cream she-cat's hostile gaze.

"Set one paw across-" Dawnpelt began, then a slender black shape slid from the trees to stand beside Ivypool. "You! I thought you'd left the Clans," Dawnpelt exclaimed, her tail lashing from side to side.

In response, Hollyleaf shrugged coldly. "I came back." Dawnpelt's hostility was replaced by interest, and Ivypool meowed, "We're not dong any harm; just setting markers."

Dawnpelt snorted disbelievingly. "I'd better check where you're putting them; I'll tell Blackstar if any of them are a leaf's depth out of place." She strode forward to sniff the marker Ivypool had just placed, to Redwillow's annoyance. What's wrong with her?

"Feel free. If you can find anything wrong, I'll tell Blackstar myself," Hollyleaf retorted, and Redwillow felt his respect for the black she-cat growing as Dawnpelt's only reply was to snarl. By this time, Redwillow had enough of Dawnpelt's paranoid fussing.

"Dawnpelt, stop fussing. The ThunderClan scent marks are fine," Redwillow told his Clanmate, struggling to not let his exasperation show. He caught Ivypool's eye and gave her a nod, to which she winced uncomfortably. "Come on, Hollyleaf. Let's keep moving," the silver-and-white tabby she-cat urged, and once they had left, Dawnpelt let out a loud yowl.

"Great StarClan, Dawnpelt! What's your deal with the ThunderClan cats?" Scorchfur mewed once they had moved off. She let out a sullen growl and shook her head, refusing to explain. Redwillow rolled his eyes.

"Also, why did you defend Ivypool?" Scorchfur shot a teasing look at Redwillow, to which he recoiled. "I don't like her that way," he protested. Just as Dark Forest Clanmates...

Scorchfur simply winked. "Don't get too close!"

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