Part 1

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"Listen, kid. I don't want to hear anymore about you making troubles at school. I'm fed up cleaning your mess all the time. You hear me?" Says Bob, my greedy uncle. You may wonder why his speech does not exactly match with his overly-matured age. Well, let me break it to you, he bears too much hatred towards me that he no longer feels the need to watch his manner whenever he's dealing with his nephew.

"No. You listen to me, old man. You are not my father and I do what I want." I'd like to say that the hatred is reciprocal. We both do hate each other's guts. I get through the front door before throwing myself down to the couch in my huge living room. Oh, did I say 'my'? Yes, it is mine. This huge expensive modern living room is literally mine, every other rooms are, even this castle-like mansion and everything in it. You can go ask my lawyer if you think this is bullshit.

Yes, I'm rich, very f*cking rich. Gosh, even the word rich itself cannot afford my current state of wealth. Alright, enough boasting. I don't actually like boasting though, since all of this money didn't come from my sweat. It's my father's doing. He was a great tycoon. Yes, he isn't around anymore. He started his business from a small restaurant and then succeeded, God knows how, building a business empire. The business is now including a very strong hotel network, two local banks and hospitals.

After a terrible car crash five years ago, I lost my father and mother. I'm the only son and practically becoming the only heir of this golden empire.

"Yes, I'm not your father and I hate being around you so much. Can't you just go to one school for at least two full f*cking months, so that you don't have to waste my time?!" Bob barks in front of me. But I don't even flinch. I don't give a f*ck on what he says. He waste my father's money, well, my money literally, so why can't I waste his time? I'm just trying to make sure that my money hasn't gone to waste. He ignores my snorting and continues, "You've been transferred five times in seven f*cking months, and this shitty high school is the last school that is willing to deal with you and your shitty records. So, stay low and away from me."

"Yeah, yeah, that's why you put me in this small f*cking town. So that you can live in my New York house and drain all my money without me knowing."

"Really? F*ck you, William" he seems speechless. That's good. This discussion will be over soon. I'm tired though.

"Well, I'm gay but no thanks" I snort.

"You useless faggot" he heads to the front door and his muttering doesn't escape my ears "I don't see why my brother prides his good for nothing son so much."

I hear the car engine turned on and gone away. He is going back to New York, where my father's most favorite house of many others is. Meanwhile, I was left here alone to deal with this new small town life.

You did hear what my uncle said, right? That I am my father's pride? Well, you may think it as a poor joke, but it's not. I inherit brilliant brain from father and a charming being from mother. Both are very useful for business. But currently, I'm not in the mood of doing business. I just want to mess with people whom I don't like and ruin their life. Why? Because I can.

I don't know when it started, but I have this deadly thirst over power. This is one of so many reasons why I hate my uncle. He is f*cking trying to control me and my life. Who does he think he is? He is just a trustee, pointed by my father, to take care of everything before I am aged enough to be called adult. Damn. And all he's been doing is just trying to eliminate me.

" F*ck!!" I throw a table vase. It crashes wildly into the wall.

It's not that I don't get any access to my wealth, I'm allowed to spend much of it. But still, I'm not yet allowed for a full access. That's sickening. Call me greedy too. But I prefer to be called insatiable for what is mine.

"S-Sir? Is ev-everything alright?"

I turn around and find a maid, whom I don't yet to know her name, is standing in front of the corridor to dinning room. Her face.. Tch, look at her. Why would she pull such a distressed face? She looks scared. As if I am trying to rape her or something. My uncle must have told everyone about me, that I'm a monster everyone should be scared of. Pathetic. Don't they know? The more they scared, the more I want to be their nightmare. But I'll let it pass this time. I'm tired.

"Clean that mess." I order coldly without bother replying her question.

I go upstairs and find the master bedroom with its very exquisite furnishing. My parents used to sleep in this room whenever they visit this town for a quiet refreshing. And now I'll claim it as mine. I gather my pants and T-shirt and walk into its connected bathroom. After I finish taking shower and getting dressed, I fall asleep in that expensive bed.



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