One night and a cold night, A starry night, A radiant white fur shining throughout the sky, A wandering wolf finding friends as he wanders around the snowy terrain, He. Howls all night, With no luck, He finds not a single wolf is living there, Disappointed he said to himself
“I can’t find a wolf here. Maybe they are hiding because of the coldness of the air.”
After that, The wolf goes to another place that is known full of wolves, The leafy terrain. There, He continues his journey of finding friends. With more luck this time, One wolf spots him wandering, Thinking that he is hunting for food, In a hurry, The wolf quickly reported to their leader who is known for his merciless spirit, Sharp fangs and his scar in his eyes, When he fought a bear just to save a pup showing his bravery, He is the leader of the pack
The leader said
“I will not let one of us be dead.”
Every night, The wandering wolf will always howl on the sky calling for some animals but the pack of wolves thought that it was a signal to warn anyone from ever getting near him. It started to make the wolves beginning to be scared but, The truth is that the wandering wolf is not hunting for food. The night after the wolf who spotted him. Told the leader
“I saw a wandering wolf, Who I think is a predator hunting for food. He is always howling at night.”
Then the leader replied
“Don’t worry. I will send a single wolf of ours to talk and see if he is a threat to us and if he will attack the wolf. “
As a wolf is sent to the wandering wolf. He is filled with fear, Not knowing what the wandering wolf will do to him. As he gets closer and closer, He encounters a red liquid. There he questions himself
“Is this the blood of an animal?”
While he is scared thinking what it is, This time as he grows closer the environment becomes more strange, And he is now filled with fear. As he gets closer to the end of a cliff. Suddenly with an unbalanced foot, He slides on a slippery part of the cliff but the wandering wolf caught him just in time to save his life, As he pulled the single wolf upwards, The wolf said“Thank you for saving my life. I owe you a lot.”
Then the wandering wolf replied
“Welcome, But why are you following me? I feel like you are spying me.”
Then the single wolf said to him
“Yes, I’m following you. Because my leader said you were hunting for food.”
And he also said
“What was the red liquid that was on your path?”The wandering wolf Then replied
“That wasn’t animal blood, It was a berry I ate, Since it grows in these terrains and I also like to eat it.”
Then the single wolf replied
“So it was just a berry all along, I got scared thinking it was a blood from an animal.”
Then that discussion marks his first friend along the way, But all their discussions,The leader saw it all happen. He quickly ordered all their fighters to go and unalive the wandering wolf since he thought that the wolf almost killed the single wolf and instead spared his life and said to him to say this to his leader
“I will forgive you, If you will bring me food and tell your leader to never come near me again.”
This is what came to the leader’s mind after he saw it all happen. As they prepared for an attack against the wandering wolf, He told his companions
“Do not fear him, Think, That we are saving and making a decision that will change our future and bring peace to our land.“
As the wolves were inspired by his speech. The single wolf appeared and said
“The wolf is not a threat to us. He’s just finding friends.”
Then the leader replied
“That’s nonsense, I saw it all happen with my own eyes.”
Then the single wolf said
“I’m not lying, He even saved my life from falling of a side of a cliff.”
But the leader persisted and continued to attack the wolf and said
“We will attack him at dawn.”
The leader was only the one who didn’t believe him. The single wolf told about him, all the wolves in the pack except for him, Believed what the single wolf said. But they didn’t tell the leader, Thinking they would be killed.
When they are prepared to attack, They go to the wandering wolf without fear, At dawn, They are now head to head with the wandering wolf and the leader, They started their attack but suddenly the wolves fight the leader instead of the wandering wolf. One wolf said“I think that what the single wolf said we’re true and you are just scared that you will be replaced by him because if you are the wandering wolf. You can not save the single wolf’s life from falling of a side of a cliff.”
Then the leader said
“I’m not scared of getting replaced. I am just protecting you from who I thought was a threat but isn’t actually a threat.”
After they understood the leader’s thoughts, They did not continue to Replace their leader and instead they made the wandering wolf become part of their pack. Every night the wolves would howl at night hoping a passing wolf would walk by notices them. One night the wandering wolf said
“I’m going to start my journey to find more wolves and animals to made new friends again.”
Then a wolf said with a joyful face
“Can I join your journey of finding friends? I want to be adventurous.“
Then the wandering wolf replied
“Yeah, You can join my journey. It would be nice to have companies around.”
Said it with a happy mood, After they are done, Some wolves wanted to join too, Soon. More and more wolves began to follow him and his journey.
As they started their journey again. This time with many companies. They said goodbye to their old leader and continued the journey.
After months and months of going to places like a quiet forest and then to dark mountainous areas, A journey filled with passion and laughter, They eventually meet wolves and other animals to be friends with them, As more days and weeks and months passed by, More and more wolves joined the journey, while some may left due to some scary places, But even with this, Some wolves didn’t lose the courage to continue their trip, With a good leader and his passionate dream with his courageous followers. The wandering wolf ends his journey with a speech that says
“My friends, We have completed our journey and may you make new journey as same as mine, As so I hope that my journey has helped you and may encourage you to do so, As we will now end our journey, Let us cherish our memories together as friends.”
After all their journey, All their laughter, All their hunting of food, They will always cherish it for having journey, And they meet new friends along the paths of scary, Mysterious and lively places, They end their journey in their own areas and have developed new friends.