Volume 11 Chapter 1: Event

273 9 139

Tokyo, Japan
Class 1-B
Monday, March 9th, 2020


Me {March 9th. Within class B, Chabashira will be announcing the final special exam of the year. There were thirty-eight desks in the classroom. There had been thirty-nine desks just a few days ago. This was because Yoshida Nagi had been expelled. It wasn't just class B who had faced this. Manabe from class C and Yahiko from class A had been as well.}

Me {And as for class D, they managed to keep all forty of their students. At the sound of the bell, homeroom had begun for the day and  Chabashira walked into the room. The classroom was quickly voided of idle chatter}

Chabashira [—Without any further ado, I will now announce the final special exam. We'll be finishing off the year with one final special exam where you'll be asked to show off a culmination of everything that you've learned up until now, including knowledge, physical ability, cooperation, and maybe even a little bit of luck. In short, all of you will demonstrate the full extent of your potential]

Me {Normally, Chabashira would be flooded by questions from Ike or Yamauchi. However, they were just listening to her quietly.}

Chabashira [The special exam is called the "Event Selection Exam", an exam where each class will compete in terms of their comprehensive ability. The class you'll be competing against will be decided in accordance with the rules, similar to how it was done during the Paper Shuffle exam]

Me {The Event Selection Exam. I couldn't help but wonder what this final special of the school year would be about}

Chabashira [To start things off, I'll use these cards to make the explanation easier for all of you to understand. There are ten white cards and a certain amount of yellow cards, molded after the number of students in the class]

Me {As she spoke, Chabashira attached each of the blank cards onto the blackboard and lined them up. Each card was roughly the same size as a playing card. While each of the yellow cards seemed to have a student's name written on them. Altogether, forty-seven cards had been attached to the blackboard. There was one less yellow card than there were students in our class. This seemed like it was probably going to be significant}

Chabashira [To start things out, I'll explain the purpose of these ten white cards. The lot of you'll have to talk things out with one another and decide on ten events that you'd like to do, which you will write down on these cards.]

Ike [Sensei, what did you mean bye events, exactly?]

Me {Ike spoke up}

Chabashira [Writing, Shogi, Playing cards, Baseball... You're free to write down any events you think you can win at. It's also up to you to come up with the rules for how each event will play out]

Ike [Eh? We're really allowed to choose? That's different]

Chabashira [Yes, you'll be allowed to choose almost anything you'd like, but there are some restrictions. For instance, you're aren't allowed to choose events where many people haven't heard of it. In addition the event must be fair and easy to understand. Therefore, after you've submitted your events, the school will judge whether or not they're appropriate. Additionally, there might be some instances where the event will end in a draw, for example in Shogi, if the kings are positioned in their respective promotion zone then the winner will be whoever has the most pieces]

Me {Even though there were countless options to choose from, it seemed that, to an extent it was restricted to stay within the scope of a student.}

Chabashira [Well, let's try illustrating it using an easy-to-understand example. Ike. What are you good at? Anything's fine, so just say it]

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