Chapter One

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 I watched from the woods as what remains of what could've been my castle burned. I remember when I was once a mighty and proud prince and not this thing I've somehow become. It all started two months ago when he sent me away. Before the fire, I lived in a prestigious kingdom. It was the greatest in all the land. The grass was painted a luscious green, the castle was built from the finest stone, and the sky was a glorious blue. Blue as the eyes of a tempting siren in the lake.

I stayed in the tallest tower in the kingdom's castle, in the royal prince's quarters. After a beautiful sleep, I awoke from my bed and got out. I put on my royal shoes and walked toward my window. I looked down at the roads of my kingdom and saw knights, nobles, and peasants passing through the many markets. Hunters were selling game and fur, blacksmiths were crafting weapons, archers were practicing their aim, and I stood from the tallest tower in the castle, and by far, the tallest structure in the kingdom, looking down at my subjects. A knock on the door was heard and my faithful valet came in.

"Good morning, sire," my valet said as he entered. I remained silent. My valet put my breakfast on the table next to my window. "I've brought your breakfast."

"Ah, my morning meal," I said. I walked up to my table, sat on the chair, and ate my breakfast. As I took the first bite, I noticed that it tasted strange. I looked sternly at my valet and said, "My breakfast tastes strange. Has it been taste-tested before you sent it up here?"

"It was, sire," my valet said. "Perhaps it was undercooked and the tasters failed to notice."

I took a deep breath and said, "Very well. Have this returned and tell the royal cook he'll be locked in the dungeon the next time he undercooks my breakfast!" I gave my plate to my valet and he took it.

"I'm sorry to see you unhappy over breakfast, sire," my valet said. "Perhaps a jaunt throughout the kingdom will ease you?"

"But of course," I told my valet. My jaunts throughout the kingdom were one of the many ways of basking in my glory towards the noblemen and peasants of my kingdom. I may have been just the heir to the throne, but one day, I thought, I would rule over the entire kingdom.

After a nice warm bath in the royal bathing room, I put on my royal garb and went down to the throne room. There, I saw my father, the king, sitting on his throne. For an unknown reason, he was looking at me with an upset look. Perhaps he was still grieving over the loss of my mother, the queen, to an unknown illness four years ago. I missed her, too. I walked up to him as he saw me come in.

"Dear father, why do you look so glum?" I asked.

"Tis' nothing, dear son," he said. "I just don't know what I'm going to do with you."

"Well, you know what to do, don't you? When the time has come for you to leave the throne, I am to be crowned the new king. Tell me, am I not the proudest and mightiest prince in all the land? Fit for a man able to rule the land?"

My father remained silent and just gave an agreeing nod before sighing. I never knew why he was always like this. Soon, I left the castle and entered the royal chariot for my morning jaunt. My valet got on the rider's seat and took the reins. He signaled the horse to move, and soon, we were off. I passed by the markets and watched as the nobles and peasants passed us by while I waved, basking in my royal glory. Some of the nobles waved back, while the peasants gave me stern and sad looks for some reason. I never knew why the peasants were like that. Just then, I saw a blonde peasant about to walk up toward me when another peasant stopped her. I overheard their conversation.

"I wouldn't do that if I were you," the peasant told the blonde.

"Why not? He is the prince, isn't he?" The blonde peasant asked.

"He may be the prince of the kingdom, but he doesn't take kindly to requests from people like us."

"Oh, how much harm could it be?" The blonde peasant told the other peasant. She then walked up toward me, I signaled my valet to stop as I turned to the blonde peasant from the top of my chariot.

"What might it be, peasant?"

"Dear Prince, might I humbly ask for a few gold coins? I am a poor farmer and need money for my family."

Every day, the peasants of the kingdom would ask me for favors such as a few gold coins or land of their own from me. It always tired me.

With a sigh and an upset look, I told the blonde peasant, "Peasant, every day, people like you always ask me for 'small' favors. Why can't you just help yourself? That's what I always say. It's bad enough that our kingdom lost our queen, my dear mother, and you all still keep turning to me instead of helping yourselves! Scout for your own coins! Find your own land! I don't want to be pestered by peasants on every jaunt I take!"

The peasant was stunned. She then crossed her arms, gave an angry look, and said, "Well, that's not very nice Your Highness!"

"Good day to you, peasant!" I said as I signaled my valet to continue. I then rode off with my arms crossed, continuing my jaunt throughout the kingdom and forgetting about that blonde peasant. She can help herself like all the other peasants should instead of turning to my father, the king, or me.

The rest of my jaunt was filled with waving at the nobles, shooing the peasants who constantly asked for my help, and basking in my royal glory. After four hours, the chariot returned to the castle in time for lunch. I got out and signaled my valet to accompany me inside the castle. As I passed by the throne room, I saw my father conversing with an old man wearing dark robes. It was the wizard who lived in the woods far from the kingdom. Those who have visited him claim that he is capable of incredible power given to him by the forces of nature. I, however, do not believe these stories. I paid no attention to their conversation as I entered the royal dining hall for lunch.

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