Please bring in your own supply of nappies. Staff in the appropriate rooms will give you guidance on how many they can store and will inform you when fresh supplies are required, or for an extra £40 a month the nursery will order them.
Whatever their age, please provide spare clothes for your child. Play can sometimes get quite messy!
We aim to play in the garden as much as possible so please include weather appropriate outer wear (sun hat/ woolly hat. gloves....).
The nursery will provide sun cream during the summer. Please ensure that you apply your childs suncream in the mornings, we will re-apply it in the afternoons.
If your child requires a specific type of sun cream please provide some to be kept at the nursery.
Please do not provide your own snacks or drinks for your child, the nursery will cover the snacks throughout the day.
The older children are asked to bring in a water bottle.
Don't bring in toys. They tend to get forgotten about during the day and can easily get mixed up with nursery toys leading to distress at the end of the day!
Feel free to bring your child's comforter. We aim to instil confidence and independence in the children so as they get older.
We believe that children with long - term medical needs have the same rights of admission to the setting as other children. We will work with staff, parents, children and relevant healthcare professionals to enable this to happen, whilst ensuring the safety of staff and children and recognising that there maybe circumstances in which this is unable to occur e.g. with complex medical procedures.We aim to enable children with long – term medical needs to access the provision.
administer medicines for short – term medical needs to enable the child to attend the provision while recovering.Medicines will only be given to the named person on the prescription label.
Emergency Medical Needs
Some children may require medicines in particular circumstances, Examples of emergency medication are Buccal Midazolam for epilepsy, inhalers for severe asthma and Epipen for severe allergic responses. Parents will need to meet with the senior staff and discuss any requirements. We will aim to meet the need dependent on staff training, supervision needs, staff confidence and insurance cover. An Individual care plan and a long term medication and emergency medication administering form will be completed.
In cases where a child's temperature reaches 100.4°f (38°c) then parents will be advised to pick up the child. If a child's temperature reaches and exceeds 102.2°f (39°c) and the child's records and parents give verbal permission, then Calpol may be administered.
In cases when a child has known allergies, we agree to keep Piriton or prescribed antihistamine as provided by their parents. This would be given in the case of an allergic reaction occurring. An individual healthcare plan must have been completed by the parents.
Incidents and accidents
Minor injuries are recorded on incident or accident forms that parents are required to sign when collecting their child. In the case of more serious injuries parents will be contacted immediately and a visit to the nursery requested.
It is IMPERATIVE that children DO NOT return to nursery until 48hrs after the last episode of vomiting or diarrhoea. If parents do not comply with this policy, Non-Compliance Procedures may commence. This involves a verbal warning, a first and final written warning and, finally, a notice of termination of the child's placement at the Nursery.