Gwen was laying on the couch, with an uncountable amount of garbage on the table beside her. All sorts of garbage, like soda cans, pizza boxes, empty chip bags, candy bags. Currently, texting very slowly on her flip phone, and eating some of her favourite sour ring gummies. Beck had been strumming the electric guitar, which wasn't that loud due to Gwen yelling at him earlier for disrupting her peace- even though they had planned this get together, it should've included them talking to each other.. but, they mostly just liked their presence. Joan had been on the floor, flipping the pages of a Vogue magazine, and pointing out all of the hot babes to Felix. Felix was too busy, of course, cleaning up the mess that Gwen made, and added to by the minute.
"Ughh, Kate Moss is so skinny. Do you think she works out?" Joan asked the room, her finger was about to turn the page, but she kept staring at the skinny Kate Moss in the magazine.
"Probably does crack." Gwen responded without paying any attention, you could now tell that she wasn't texting anymore- and was playing Tetris on her phone. As she responded, everybody gave her an off look, she could sense this and immediately looked around, "She asked?" Gwen added, looking down at her game. "You're practically as skinny as her, Jo, getting her physique without starving is impossible." Gwen said, and immediately ate another sour key.
"You're the one to talk about getting skinny, you've eaten a pound in sour keys by now." Beck told her, as he continued looking down at the strings on his guitar.
"Yeah and you're never gonna be the next Elvis Presley so suck my-" Gwen got cut off, as Felix gave a distasteful look and cleared his throat.
"Jo, you look better than Kate- Vogue just hasn't had the opportunity to interview you yet." Felix gave a reassuring smile to Jo, and a pat on the shoulder, then went back to cleaning Joan's mess. Joan gave a smile at this, but had brought the sleeves of her sweater down, even though it had been summer. Nobody asked why, as she always said she was cold anyways. The room had became silenced for a moment, until a groan of annoyance escaped the lips of Gwen.
"My cell died, ugh." She whined, as she threw it at the other end of the couch. As she reached for another candy, there was none left, only sugary dust left. "Can this day get any worse?"
"Can you complain any more?" Beck asked, as he looked at her. Gwen raised her middle finger, naturally, and he raised it back. Joan kept flipping through the pages, and stopped, as there was one with a band on the page. She wasn't sure which one, and was about to flip, til Gwen looked over and started to speak.
"Holy shit." Gwen said, and everybody looked to her, "We should start a band!" Gwen smiled, and sat up from the couch. They all looked around at each other confused, and weren't sure on rather to laugh or not. Joan gave an awkward laugh, but immediately stopped as soon as she received nobody else was.
"A girls phone dies and she goes crazy." Beck said from the back,
"I'm serious- I mean, we're full on adults now! It's still just the start of summer, this could be a good gig." Gwen smiled,
"I don't know.." Joan said, unsure, and Felix was still in shock about the seriousness of it all.
"Come on, Beck already plays guitar, he can teach Joan bass, Felix plays the snare drum- that's close enough to a real set, and I can be vocals!" Gwen exclaimed,
"You want to have the easiest job?" Beck asked, which Gwen ignored.
"Did you say snare drum's aren't a real drum?" Felix asked, somewhat hurt, Gwen also ignored this.
"Beck would teach me bass?" Joan asked, embarrassed, almost if she was blushing over it.
"Please, it's so lame just sitting here-" Gwen started, and heard a, ('you planned this') from somebody, but ignored it. "We'll be the talk of the town, imagine all the parties, and all of the alcohol, and all the other fun stuff we'll do- like... performing, of course." They all blinked at this, Gwen rolled her eyes, and ran up to Beck and his guitar. He was confused as ever, but she had adjusted his fingers on the strings, and made him strum. Going along with it, and continuing to strum without her guidance, she started to sing to the guitar. Gwen did actually sound amazing, but, with the totally unplanned beat, it sounded really off- but she went off to Felix next, and made him hit the table with his hands, making a drum sound. He followed, and then when she went to Joan, she made her air play the bass.
"See?! We sound amazing!" Gwen remarked, as she stopped singing, and the rest of them faded out- they were confused, but it didn't sound half bad.
"Amazing is surely a stretch.." Beck whispered.
"We have nothing to lose, and it is summer. I'm in." Felix said, and Gwen jumped in happiness and gave him a hug, "But, you have to show up to practices. No buts." He told her, and she nodded.
"Yeah, yeah it'll be fun!" Joan smiled, and Gwen pulled her into the hug. They were all looking at Beck now, and he lowered his head in disappointment, as he knew this would be an absolute train wreck.
"...Fine." Beck said, not coming into the hug, but they all jumped in happiness- and just like that, that is how the band of Party Rockers was formed. (A title they agreed to change later on, but never got around to it.)

Party all Night Long
Romance"Ladies and Gents, next up, the Party Rockers..? Ahem, let's hear it for Beck, Felix, Joan and their lead vocalist, Gwen!" Where a group of young adults come together to form a band; they find out that bands aren't always just performances, or, just...