sun's first night encounter

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Sun was cleaning the cafe and setting up for the nighttime shift, he was setting up the alcohol when someone walked in, he turned to see who it was, it was a customer, even though the cafe was closed for a few hours until moon got here for the night shift, “hello sir, welcome to the celestial cafe, we are closed at the moment if you come back in a bit we will have our nighttime employees here to serve you” sun said

The customer looked annoyed, “can't you just serve me?” sun took a deep breath and stood behind the counter, “what would you like sir?” the customer finally stopped being annoyed, “your number, and a bottle of wine ” sun then got the customer a bottle of wine, and handed it to the customer, and sun gave the customer his phone number,

Then moon, eclipse and killcode arrived for the nighttime shift, sun then walked over to them, “hi guys, I dealt with one of the nighttime customers while waiting for you guys ” killcode laugh a little before going to the back, eclipse followed with killcode, “you did great sun, the others just won't admit it” sun hugged moon before leaving

The customer that had come in then walked over to moon, “ excuse me, who was that employee? and why is he already leaving?” moon looked at the customer annoyed already, “that was sun my brother, and he left because he's works the day shift” the customer then left to his table to continue his wine, moon then walked behind the counter to take the next orders, it was going to be a long night

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