Volume 11 Chapter 2: Can't Forget

289 10 128

Tokyo, Japan
Tuesday, March 10th, 2020


Me {The day after the class matchups were decided... Class B had arranged to hold another class-wide discussion once school was out for the day, so we were free to do what we wanted during the lunch break. As a result, the Ayanokouji Group gathered to eat lunch together, just like usual. We all met up at the back of the classroom once lunch started and headed off to the cafeteria}

Me [How did yesterday's discussion go?]

Me {Wasting no time, I asked my friends about what the class had discussed the day before. It had taken about an hour for the commanders to determine the class matchups and go over everything, so by the time I had gotten back to the classroom, everybody had already gone back home for the day}

Airi [You didn't hear about it from Horikita-San? ...I guess that might make sense]

Me {Airi responded with a vague answer, but after faltering for a moment, she spoke up again.}

Airi [There was an event manual, right? Ultimately, everyone was having a hard time understanding the rules...]

Keisei [There wasn't even a discussion in the first place. It was a complete waste of time]

Me {Keisei let out an exasperated sigh. From the looks of it, the discussion after school yesterday ended once everybody had gotten on the same page}

Keisei [Besides, the problem isn't just our class]

Haruka [What do you mean, Yukimu?]

Keisei [There are only so many places on campus where a bunch of students can meet up, right?]

Haruka [Well, it's definitely impossible for forty people to meet up at karaoke or some place at the mall. What of it?]

Keisei [I was the first person to leave classroom after the discussion finished yesterday... When I walked into the hallway, there were some Class A students lingering just outside the door]

Me {Haruka and Airi exchanged confused glances with each other. At first, Akito didn't seem to understand what Keisei was getting at either, but after a moment, he realized it}

Akito [... You're saying they were spying on us?]

Keisei [That's exactly what I'm saying. During this exam, important information will be spoken verbally, right? Even if they were only listening in on our discussion, it's more than likely that they picked up on something]

Me {Information like which types of events might get chosen, or who was good at what. Without a doubt, it would be beneficial to obtain information like that, even if only a little. In other words the battle had already begun}

Keisei [Looking at it from that point of view, Class B has already fallen behind]

Haruka [Scary! Sakayanagi-san's already made her move]

Me {Trembling in fear, Haruka began to rub the back of her arms}

Haruka [Then, shouldn't we start to gather information about class A? Kinda like that one guy said, an eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth?]

Me {Quickly changing her tone, Haruka then proposed we fight back against Class A. However, there was no way Keisei would agree so easily}

Keisei [If it were that simple, it wouldn't be a problem in the first place]

Haruka [Ehh?]

Keisei [I'm probably not the only one who thinks this either. Even Horikita should understand that there's no point in doing that. Do you really think Class A is going to gather up in a classroom and hold a forty-person discussion?]

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