This is the first Omz video I watched with my little sister and now she approves of them :) she used to not like them and thought they were brainrot but now she does + she said Roxy was her favorite character. Yaaaa
But my personal thoughts on this
Hear me out...
Like bro I'm genuinely being serious first it was Kevin with the humongous age gap thing with Megan and now we have Dina. It's like glaringly obvious Roxy is under eighteen (I personally headcanon him to be twelve), probably like pre-teen you can just tell by his voice and the way he acts. And then we have Dina who kidnapped his girlfriend that's ACTUALLY his age (she's probably the same age as Roxy but I headcanon her to be thirteen) and took her place. Like imagine the horror of being kidnapped and sent to another realm by a grown ass woman so she can steal your boyfriend who's a kid. Yikes. I swear they should add Luke more often (and Alexa and the older gang members) into the videos so they can be used for the "crazy fangirl wants to date someone" trope, because it's straight up disastrous when you run out of options so you have to use the kid characters. And what's worse is when Omz and Roxy were mining down and Dina was like "I'm making a lovehouse for us (referring to Roxy) so we can smooch and have kids" MF WHAT???????? YOU DON'T JUST WANT TO DATE HIM BUT HAVE KIDS WITH HIM TOO????? YOU FUCKING RAT BRO HE IS A KID HIMSELF- that's certified pedophilia guys. I stopped watching after that bc I had to mentally take a break from this nonsense.
Oh and Crystal and Megan were literally supporting Dina???? Why guys??? Megan literally hates Crystal bro. Actually that was addressed; there was that part where Megan said "it's so I can date Omz and you can have him for two hours a year" and that was pretty funny but the elephant in the room still remains. Dina why bro, I'll never look at you the same again...
Also at first when Dina revealed to have a crush on someone it was concerning that Omz instantly assumed it was an incest thing- like what the hell is going on here Omz. Pls be normal, pls. And bring back Luke too he's my favorite character. You're literally selling a plushie of him so you shouldn't be disrespecting him like this
RandomVideo reviews, rants, random stuff, and maybe some oneshots about the hit YouTuber Omz :) might also include videos that Omz is in, but that he didn't upload himself. Warning, I'm the world's biggest Megan + Kevin + Emily + Christina hater. I want t...