unwanted reunion

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Y/n stood at the foot of his dad's grave It was one of the places he'd visit when he felt lost.

Y/n: Sometimes I can't believe you're not here anymore, can't make sense of it at times like that my mind just goes blank and I seem a completely lose my way in the world.

Y/n was too lost in thought to realize that someone else was there with him.

???: Y/n.

Y/n turns around to see his mom standing there the same woman that destroyed his family.

Y/n: Hello Carol I would say it was nice to see you but I'm not a liar so I'm not going to say any of that.

Carol: I'm sorry you feel that way, but whether you believe it or not I loved your father.

Y/n: No you didn't as far as your concerned he was just a money Bank to you

Y/n see's Todd getting out of his car which was parked at the entrance of the cemetery.

Y/n: Are you kidding me? You brought him here?

Carol: Y/n...

Todd: Is there a problem honey?

Y/n stares at the two with pure anger they had disrespected his father's grave with their presence and it was pissing him off. He notices Todd sizing him up as if trying to gauge him.

Y/n: I can't believe you had the nerve to bring him here!

Carol: Y/n he's my partner.

Y/n: Oh so that's what you been calling each guy you've slept with while you were with Dad?

Todd: Don't talk to her like that me and your mom are still together and our relationship has only grown stronger.

Y/n: Does it look like I give a shit?!

Todd: You should because this shows what kind of man I am.

Y/n: Your a piece of shit you have no right to be here or anywhere near my dad's grave.

Carol: Y/n please we can't go on like this.

Todd: Your mother is right you need to man up and stop holding on to the past.

Y/n: Fuck you todd! You're a fucking joke you and that bastard of a son you have.

Todd: well maybe if your dad had been a better husband and father Carol wouldn't have had to  seek love from me. You're Father was a workaholic and a terrible husband he has nothing to show for it but a tombstone.

Y/n clenches his fist this was all that he needed to take Todd's pathetic life but he couldn't not here not in front of his father's grave.

Y/n: I think it's time you both leave before I do something you would regret

Todd: or what just because you're a teenager and you're growing a little hair on your chest doesn't mean that you're a man. Don't even think about trying to get physical with me.

Carol: You might not want to hear this, but your father accepted Todd a long time ago and it's time you did too.

Y/n: and you might not want to hear this carol, I'll never accept Todd or you. You're not my mother you haven't been my mother since I was 9, and you wanna know something else? Leaving that night was the best thing that's ever happened to me and I've done nothing but thrive without you guys and I'm going to continue to do that. to me you're just another stranger on the street if you were dying right now I wouldn't even lift a finger to help you that's just how much I fucking hate you.

Y/n walks away as Carol broke down in Todd's arms.


Y/n arrived home having been forced to walk since the forever knights destroyed his motorcycle. Albedo greeted him at the door and instantly knew something was wrong because he wasn't doing his usual "throw himself onto the couch and drink beer all day" routine that he always does during the weekends when he gets home.

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