Chapter one

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I do not own the characters or the name of the town. they belong to the creative minds of Trey Parker and Matt Stone.

Hello, my name is Kyle Brovlouski. Im 16 years old and from New Jersey. Honestly, I have no idea why we moved to this quie, little mountain town.

I shoved on my green hat to hide this little... Mess I have going on made of crazy red curls.

"Hey," My mother Sheila yelled up the stairs, "Bubby, go outside make new friends!" She said with cheerfulness I couldn't relate to. I stepped down the stairs slowly and resentfully as I inched closer to my sudden doom. I hated, I mean hated making new friends from how much I struggled. Im so socially awkward that I can barely talk without having the feeling as though I were about to throw up.

Before I knew it, I already had my hand on the doornob, turning it hesitantly. 'This is fucking jank. I shouldn't have to do this', I thought with a slight sigh of annoyance. "This is fucking jank," I think again but out loud. "What was that Bubby," mom sweetly asked poking her head into the room. "oh," I laugh nervously, "nothing, mummy." I smile sweetly and innocently at her; earning me a smile in return. I eventually turn the knob completely, stepping into the fresh blanket of snow. I turn my head to the side to find a sweet surprise. I see two boys; both happen to be blonde, but one is dressed like an elf and the other was dressed like.. I squint my eyes and walk a little closer, confusion washing over me like a wave.

"Ah, I don't have enough health potion!" He yelped in horror as he was smacked with a wooden sword. The yelping boy in the blue- the paladin kept fighting back; blood covering his face.

I walked over to them and smacked the elvish boy around my age, maybe 15 or something.
"Hey!" The boy exclaimed, "that's not fair!" I just looked at him raising an eyebrow. he just sighed angrily and walked away to wherever he belongs, leaving me alone with the Paladin.

He bowed and said, "thank you traveler, without you, I would've lost from lack of health potions." he looked up expecting an answer. so I nodded.

"Let me bring you to the Wizard King," He exclaimed with excitement clear in his eyes.

He walked, I followed. I cant get more simpler than that until I was at the door step of an ugly green house. The blonde knocked on the door; a secret knock I don't think anybody should be able to remember.

Soon after a boy with an old, worn wizard hat and cloak answered the door. "Ah," the over weight boy started, "I see that you're the new kid in town. I've been expecting you." he seems to be my age.. Maybe 17? I shrug and pull my hat farther on my head.

"Mm, okay follow me new kid," He said sternly like he had all the power in the world. So again, he walks and I follow. "Eric, I see you made some-"

"Shut up mom, you're not a part of the game."

With that, he lead this kid and I out this door in his kitchen. in front of me laid a sloppily made castle and poorly made cages. Especially the one that had the sign that said: 'Trusty Steads'. there really wasn't much put to this place.

He walked me over to the front of some kind of fort. "What is your name?" He asked.

"Kyle Brovlouski" I answered lamely.

"Did you say.. Douche Bag?" He asked.


"Are you sure," he looked over at the paladin and smirked, "you want to keep the name Douche bag?"


"Okay, Douche bag, choose a class," he told me, "you can choose from: the fighter, the mage, the theif, or the Jew."

"Wait, what?!" I looked at him in slight terror. Im pretty sure I heard him wrong. I mean, the Jew couldn't be a choice. could it? I shook the thought out o my head.

"Theif," I mumble mostly to myself for some reason.

"I haven't seen a white thief before," Eric said with a shrug. my eyebrows knitted together.

"Alright Douche bag," the wizard boy smiled, "it's time for you to get on this cape, then go buy a weapon from the weapon shop. I nod and snatch the cape.. hood thing, walking over to the so called 'weapon shop'.

"Hello weary traveler, may I show you my wears?" A 17 year old boy with a slightly nasally voice said. he was fairly attractive. I nod and he lays out a bunch of different things, then took most of them away. I looked up at him with furrowed eyebrows. soon, if I do that enough, I'll lose them. "Okay, so we go by levels. you're on level one which means you get level one weapons." the boy stated. "by the way, Im Clyde." Clyde told me with a smirk. Instantly I could feel my pale cheeks heat up, "Im Kyle." I said shyly, looking at my options. eventually I chose one called, Rouges Dagger. seems good enough.

I take off my hat, jacket, and shirt. I change into what Eric gave gave me hastily, quickly pulling the hood over my big hair. I look down at what Im wearing. A blue sweater with a black cape with a hood attached. Pretty simple. I can feel someone watching me. probably Clyde. "Uh, thanks for the weapon," I whisper before running to a circle that seems to be a training area or something.

"Okay, Douche bag, Im gonna show you how to fight," the wizard stated. I fiddled with my wooden 'weapon'. "Clyde! We need your help!" He yelled, soon after the brunette boy comes, getting in fighting position. I copied him poorly.

Before I know it the boy comes at me, swatting me with his iron sword. Iron. I winced then he started coming at me again but Eric stopped him.

"We're taking turns Clyde. It's like the middle ages Clyde. I know it's stupid but that's how we're fucking doing it Clyde!" Eric yells, ceiling his eyes tight out of anger. This boy's got issues.

"Fine, Cartman." The nasally voice peeps up, rolling his eyes so north, that I thought he was gonna lose them.

Cartman. Seems ligit. I mean, only if you hate him I guess.

He sighs loudly, "Douche bag, it's your turn, use your simplest attack to break his armor." he told me. this shit's confusing.

I ran up to Clyde and hit him. once. twice. then a third time actually putting my back into it.

"Good, good," Cartman praised, "now you have special abilities. Try and figure them out." he said taking a hand full of cheesy poofs to his chubby face.

I didn't even know he had a bag.

"Um.." I mumble, struggling to think of anything then my body takes control of me. It was like, in a snap of a finger I was behind Clyde stabbing his back.

Once I got back to where I was standing I felt.. investable. I felt powerful.

The dashed towards me, hitting me multiple times, but it didn't hurt as bad as it did the first time. I was actually blocking.

Before I know it, I had one the fight, earning obnoxious laugh from Cartman. I should have seen that coming.

"That was fucking awesome!" He yells laughing harder. I look to my side to see a bloody Clyde next to me, yet again rolling his chocolate brown eyes.

"I thought you were gonna be Butters all over again!" He chuckled, dismissing Clyde and I.

We walked together until we made it to the slider door. "Uh," the Brunette started, "I was wondering if I could have your number?" He actually sounded quite nervous. I smiled and nodded I could feel my cheeks heat up again, but a darker red.

I wrote down my number, handed it to him and I was off. his house was only two houses from mine so it was easy to get back.

I got home and greeted my mother, going up the stairs with haste. I leapt onto my bed and yawned.

I guess it's not gonna be that bad in this quiet, little mountain town.

That was chapter one! I hoped you enjoyed! Don't forget to comment and tell me wether I should keep going! Also, please vote!

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 19, 2015 ⏰

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