Concept of Time
- 10 days in a Week
- 40 days in a Month
- 15 months in a Year
- 3 seasons in a Year
- 600 days in a Year
- Gróa - Equivalent to Spring
- Fǫlnað - Equivalent to Autumn
- Myrkr - Equivalent to Winter
Days of The Week
Named after types of weather/elements
- Snær - Snow
- Vindr - Wind
- Haglkorn - Hail-Stone
- Þrymja - Thunder
- Hregg - Storm
- Él - Shower/Rain
- Glugga-þykkn - Clouds
- Sandr - Sand
- Land-skjálpti - Earthquake
- Logr - Water
Months of The Year
Ljóss - Light
Máttr - Might
Gamall - Old
Gull - Gold
Ævi - Time
Náttúra - Nature
Dagr - Dawn
Önd - Life
Tól - Tools
Tungl - Moon
Fara - Travel
Stiarna - Stars
Elskað - Love
Ginning - Tricking
Andlát - Death (Called the 15th Month by the people of Jafnríki)
The Chronicles of Jafnríki - Short Stories
FantasíaA compilation of short stories from my original fantasy world Jafnríki and its Four Realms, Ljóssríki, Máttrríki, Gamallríki and Gullríki. These short stories will span across the 6 Ages of Jafnríki, with the first 2 chapters explaining the differen...