The Gods of Jafnríki - The Beginning

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Long before the world began, mighty beings appeared in the darkness, one after the other. Each of these beings possessed unique abilities: abilities that could bring wonder to the void.

The first being that appeared to exist was Ljóss, who possessed the ability of light; she became a symbol of purity and goodness, and many sought her ideals.

The second was called Máttr, full of might, strength and power; soldiers would call upon him and his power against their foes.

The third, Gamall, stands by tradition, preserving the history of the world; he is seen as stubborn and outdated compared to his siblings.

The fourth being was Gull, famous for his riches and fortune; many offerings were made to him in the hope of great fortune in their lives.

Ævi was the fifth to appear; possessing time itself held great power, receiving many offerings from others. She marked the beginning of the ticking clock; movement could be seen through the darkness.

Náttúra, the sixth, held control over nature, bringing life to the world. She was a gentle soul, yet she held natural strength and power; her power would remain as long as there were flowers, plants, and trees. Her appearance marked the beginning of a world, bright and full of colours... Untouched.

The seventh, Dagr, birthed the dawn, the rise of the sun. He marked the beginning of the world, a warming light dissipating the darkness. His demeanour was warm, comforting, and many offerings made to him were for happiness or for a new beginning.

Önd was the eighth, life itself. Dominion over any living creature, the birth of the living. A delicate being, holding great value in the little things, many give offerings to them for long life, fertility, or peace.

The ninth was Tól, a genius and inventor of many things. Logical, scientific, precise. Mediator of his siblings. Offerings made to him are hope for knowledge, wisdom, ideas, and prayers for working inventions.

Tungle, the tenth, began the glow of the moon. The world moving, day and night, born into the abyss. Many follow him to reflect and grow, to make a kinder world.

The eleventh, Fara creates freedom. The freedom to live, to adventure, to travel. Merchants, soldiers, adventurers, and the common folk always welcome her blessings of safe passage.

Stiarna was the twelfth; her eyes held the stars that accompanied Tungle in the abyss. Stars tell stories, prophesies; many use her guidance to see events that have not yet happened.

The thirteenth was Elskað, the embodiment of love, the beginning of feelings. His appearance built friendships, romances, families. Many of his offerings are made for love and the happiness of their loved ones.

Ginning, the fourteenth, a master of trickery and mayhem. His abilities brought the good and the bad: lots of innocent fun or masterminds of charlatans.

The final sibling to appear was Andlát. The tragedy of death. Many fear her through no fault of her own, her abilities the balance between good and evil. The only offerings to her are to leave them be, not to appear and take them away from the world.

The world began to form with each appearance of the entities, each a crucial role in its function. To show their equal roles, the beings that would one day be known as the 15 Gods: The Gods of Light, Might, Old, Gold, Time, Nature, Dawn, Life, Tool, Moon, Travel, Stars, Love, Tricking, and Death. They named their world Jafnríki: Equal Realm.

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