Have you ever wondered what would happen if England still followed the doctrines of the Catholic Church due to a fervent civil war which would prevent them from being a relevant world power, the United States of America from being French, Spain from...
-The Treaty of Union between the Kingdom of England & the Kingdom of Scotland forces that the union will be equal, these terms would be violated through time by the English side.
- Henry VIII was the king of the United Kingdom, during his mandate the Americas were discovered, however, in the United Kingdom the worst was already being tempted, a civil war was about to come due to the change that Henry VIII proposed for changing the church, the war would be known as the War of the 10,000 Days, everything was burned and everything was devastated, they took religion very seriously, there were two sides, the ones who wanted catholicism and the ones who were lutherans the outcome was that when the Americas were discovered & the United Kingdom was unable to expand under those circumstances, England was mostly Apostolical Roman Catholicism believers while the south wished to have a new church, the south won, all this happened because the northerns simply wanted to believe in catholicism still, but the southerners did not let them.
- The United Kingdom was never a world-wide empire, it had colonies in the Caribbean, northern Canada, and Australia, the Pax Britannica never arrived.
French lore:
- Louis XVIII is dethroned for 1 year, pro-monarchist sentiments were high, a coup led to a year of a French Republic leaded by Napoleón Bonaparte, the first republic would end due to the lack of individual freedoms, extreme poverty and inequality that existed in France, In addition to expanding its irredentism beyond what the people wanted, Spain is subjugated while the republic exists and the First Spanish Republic in the format of a unilateral, military, despotism dictatorship would be formed in Spain, France annexes most of Catalonia. (There were a large majority of monarchists in the republic, this was also a key factor since they wanted to invade the allies of the United Kingdom, in this case Portugal, but since this happened in the middle of the coup d'état, it was not profitable & a small war of Spanish succession at the national level, no one joined except France and then asked for peace) 1 year later
- The French expeditions go well and control the east coast of the United States & Canada. It has several viceroyalties with autonomy and recognition of indigenous Americans, among them are...
Fédératif Territoire de Nor-luis (located in the Quebec and the east coast)
Nouvelle Bretagne, Nouveau Paris zone (located in the Californian coasts in our world)
Dath Port-Royal, southern states (located in the Confederate States in our world & Central United States)
- The "SSM" (Service de Sécurité Mondiale) is a French government organization specialized in intelligence services. It was founded in 1890 with the intention of controlling French-speaking colonies and ports, but this function was now applied to national and extranational incidents (espionage).
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