Birthing of creation

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     Do i really have to go out into this sadistic world again? To be chewed up, and spit out. I kick, and I scream, borrowing time knowing that I must be born.

     The moment I step into this new life, I started dying again. I cried. Pluto, destroy me. kill me of slowly. I'm begging not to relive this torture again. Suddenly, I feel the warmth of my mother's arm wrapped around me. her words enters my ears.

"Oh god, she's a CryBaby".

     The closure that once warm felt cold as she moved to cover her ears as I continue to cry. The smoke from my mother's cigarette fills the room as my brother wrote 'CryBaby' as my name on the birth certificate. 

     Life is not going to be easy. It couldn't neither be the worst nor the best, but I'll just move through it as I used to. I was blessed with a curse of sensitivity, feeling emotional on little things. Though, I don't know why I think this is a blessing when it feels like a curse most of the time. 

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