Mystery Man pt 2

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A little recap  on my story. Hi, my name is Rosé known as one of Blackpink members and kpop artist and not so long ago I have met Bruno Mars and he is now my boyfriend. How could he possibly be my boyfriend? You see, Blackpink went on their separate ways, which means  I went my separate way. We are all popular in our own way. So basically, we are all solo. My boyfriend who I am secretly dating, he is crazy in love with me and I am CRAZYY in love with him. Recently I met a mystery man named Gavin, and I'm  thinking of telling Bruno, my boyfriend of him.

Bruno: This shirt? Or this shirt?

He can't tell I'm overthinking? Right?

Me: Yeah, whatever.

Bruno: You are overthinking.

Me: What? Yeah, I am.

Bruno: Well, are you gonna tell me what's wrong?

Me: Gavin

Bruno: Gavin? What's a Gavin? Who-

Me: I met. I bumped into this guy, he was very apologetic but  I was actually running into him. I then found him with Lisa the night we went out. Turns out he's Lisa's cousin. He spent the night with us.

Bruno: Gavin. Gavin.

Me: Yeah, he's name is Gavin.

Bruno: I will remember that.

Me: So, are you mad?

Bruno: No, why should I? Did you do something that could make me mad?

Me: I don't know, it feels wrong not telling my boyfriend about this.

Bruno: No, you did nothing. Did he flirt with you?

Me: Yes. He did.

Bruno: Alot?

Me: No, he was just kind and giving me compliments.

Bruno: Okay. Uhm, I love you and trust you, so I have nothing to worry about. I just don't like Gavin, if he ever touches you, he will see it from me.

Me: Yeah. I am just letting you know so you don't think other stuff if you see him and If I point out this  specific guy is  him.

Me: *Phone starts ringing*

Bruno: I will answer.

Me: Sure. I gotta use the bathroom anyway.

?: Hey you.

Bruno: Who is you?

?: Oh sorry, uhm -

Bruno: Sorry, what's your name?

?: I'm Gavin. I'm looking for someone her name is-

Bruno: Rosé. Yeah, I'm her boyfriend. You need her?

Gavin: Rosé that is friends with Lisa?

Bruno: Yip.

Gavin: Yes her.

Bruno: Okay, I will ask if she wants to talk to you.

Gavin: Thank you "boyfriend".

Bruno: Baby! Uhh, it's-

Gavin: Gavin.

Bruno: Gavin.

Me: Uhm. Are you sure?

Bruno: Yeah.

Me: Hello? Rosie here.

Gavin: Hey cutie.

Bruno: *whispers* put it on speaker.

Me: *Puts it on speaker* Hey, you can't be calling me that.

This is a bad idea.

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