The Red Sea

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I'm stuck again
Trapped in this endless cycle of need and want
These endless choices, endless paths I can take
Falling into a storm of decisions that can't


I'm stuck in this sea of red
Staining my soul like wine on a dress
Aching to be released one way or another
Aching to release the emotions I have to suppress

It can't just wait
I can't put it off or I'm going to explode
All over the walls or all over the floor
Begging to be saved from this haunted abode

But instead
I bottle up all this pain and anger
All this anguish and frustration
All these insecurities tie me up like an anchor

Holding me down
Pinning me down under this scarlet sea
I can feel my cries but none can be heard
And I can no longer breathe

For the red has flooded my lungs
I struggle, scream, fight
But no one can hear my battles
So they keep smiling in delight

I'm begging for someone to notice
For someone to finally see my reality
Someone to understand all this
Someone else who has this endless sea

Is there anyone out there like me?
Or am I the only one drowning so slowly?

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