Today I saw something.//v.d.

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I saw something I didn't want to see. It was a man..he's fucking dead. He was hit by something i don't know what it was but no one was helping him. He wasn't suffering, he was gone. Nothing you could do about it. It made me realize your life is a gift not a given right.

What was so wrong about it was no one seemed to be helping him for his race was different. He was a black man laying on the cement ground beneath him and motorcycle one top. I passed by him wondering if maybe the world was a little different and everyone saw each other for what they were, then maybe he would've gotten help and I wouldn't be writing this. but here you are reading this as proof these things happen and there ain't shit you can do about it and that's the ugly fucking truth about this messed up world we call home.


I know this isn't a poem but it has meaning behind it that everyone needs to realize so I decided to put it in the book. I hope this opened your eyes a little wider. I love you stay strong, kittens. ^-^

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