Chapter 1.

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Chapter 1 -Jazmyn's POV. 

Expelled from five schools in four years. It can't get much worse than that. I've moved all over the country with my mum and my sister, mum's been trying to find a school that will be able to 'straighten me out'. After my Dad died, my mum made us move away from Brighton because it reminded her too much of Dad.  Back in Brighton, I was fine.  I was happy. I had friends. But when she made us move things went heads up, I started missbehaving at school and before I knew it, I'd been kicked out of five schools.From Brighton to Somerset to Scotland to Wales to Dorset and now London.

 It's now my first day at Westminster High school in London and I hate it already. 

"So this is your student guide Jazmyn, She will show you around the school and be your friend for this first week, her name is Ivy Stevenson." Said the Headmister, gesturing to a girl with black hair and bright red lips stood in the door way of his office. 

oh great. I thought to my self. 

"Well aren't I in for a treat." I said sarcastically. 

The headmister ignored my comment and carried on talking, through the bell that was ringing. "Well its time for your first lesson, Ivy please may you take Miss Reed to her first lesson." 

I stood up and headed for the door following after Ivy. 

"And Ivy." The headmister started holding his finger up at her. "Behave." 

Ivy rolled her eyes and walked out, leaving me to follow her. 

"Well, See ya later." She said walking off from me. 

"Wait where are you going?" I asked confused. 

"I've done my job, he said if I showed you around I'd be able to get out of some of my detentions, so there you go,  your first class is the third door on the left down the second corridor." she said walking backwards.

"Well where are you going then?" I questioned. 

She laughed. "I'm not going to class, are you mad?"   

"Well if your not going to class, I'm not either." I said smirking. 

"What really? I wouldn't class you as the rebel type." She said. 

"Why do you think I'm here?" I asked. "I've been thrown out of five schools in the past four years, I would class myself as the rebel type." 

"Follow me then" She started walking down the hallway. 

I followed her through the silent corridors of the school. 

"So whats your name then?" She asked me. 

"Jazmyn." I replied.

We got to a big blue door, with a big sign on it which read 'CARETAKER'. Ivy opened the door and gestured for me to follow her through it. 

"Won't the caretaker see us?" I asked.

"We don't have a caretaker." She answered bluntly. 

She carried on walking through the room and down a big metal staircase. I could hear voices coming from another room close by.  We walked into the room where the voices were coming from, in the room there stood five other boys, four of which held cigarettes in their hands. 

"This is Sam, my boyfriend" She kisses a tall boy with dark hair and tatoos all up his arms, wearing a snapback and his tie half undone. "Sam this is Jazmyn." 

Sam stood up and pulled me into a firm hug, patting my back rougly. 

"Jazmyn, this is Jack and Finn. They're a bit cheeky." Ivy winked at two twin boys with Light brown hair and sweet smiles,

"Hey" I said, smiling at them. 

"This is Caspar." She said next, gesturing to a tall slim, but muscley boy with blonde hair sweeped across his face. 

"Hi I'm Caspar Lee." He said with his strong accent, which I couldn't quite indentify. 

"Hey Caspar" I replied. 

"And this is Alfie." She said. Alfie was a tall cute guy with brown hair.

"Hi, Jazmyn right?" He said, with a bit of a lisp. 

"Hey, yeah." I said back. 

Ivy started looking around the room, for something or someone I couldn't quite tell. 

"Hey guys, wheres Bertie?" She asked. 

"Oh, he went of with some slut from year 10." Finn replied. 

"Oh right okay," Ivy said, she turned around and looked at me, whispering in my ear. "Berties a bit of a man slag, watch out." '

I laughed thinking it was a joke, but then realised from her expression she was being serious. 

Seconds later, the door opened and gorgeous boy with sandy blonde hair walked through, slapping a girls bum who was walking the other way. 

"Wheres she going, ey Bertie?" Jack shouted at the boy stood in the door way. 

"Back to lesson, it was just a quicky." Bertie replied smirking. 

"Mate, why don't you just get a girlfriend?" Alfie asked. 

"Because its nice to experience what other people have to offer." Bertie replied, a big smirk still slapped across his face. 

"Bertie thats disgusting." Sam said, fake gagging, which made me laugh. It turned out I was the only one laughing, which made Bertie turn and notice me standing in the corner of the room next to Alfie. Immediatley my face turned bright red and I looked away, pretending to be intrested in a broom in the opposite corner of the room.

Bertie started walking towards me, which made Ivy walk over to me and stand in front of me, blocking me from Bertie. 

"Whos this then ,hey?" Bertie said, looking me up and down . 

I was just about to say my name when Ivy interupted me saying, "Her name's Jazmyn, and you better stay away from her, because this," Ivy pointed back and forth from me to Bertie, "Is never going to happen. And if you treat her like you treat those other sluts, then I swear to god Bertie I will murder you with my own god damn hands."

"I'm shaking in my bloody boots Ivy," He replied sarcastically. "But anyway. I'm off, see you lads," He did a two finger wave from the top of his head to Caspar, Sam, Jack, Finn and Alfie, and turned and winked at me, walking out the door. 

"Sorry about him." Ivy said looking at me sympathetically. "Hes a bit of a dick." 

"Don't be sorry." I replied, smiling at her. 

They all smiled at me and then carried on smoking.

"Well I better be off then,nice to meet you all." I said whilst walking out of the old door. 

"Okay see you later." Ivy said smiling. 

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