Checkup (all)

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A/n- I haven't decided how I'm going to work these imagines yet but just give me some ideas if you'd like.

Alix's POV

Today I had a doctor's appointment for my annual checkup. I hated everything about checkups and everything about doctors so these things never really went smoothly. I didn't want to go, but then I wouldn't be able to play soccer and that wouldn't be good.
I got dressed in a pair of black shorts and a white tshirt and headed out to my car and drove to my doctor's office around the corner. I walked into the office and went up to the secretary to sign myself in. "Name please?" The lady asked.
"Alix Avery."
"Okay, we have our student doctors working on you today. Is that okay?"
"Oh uh I-okay."
Now I felt a little more nervous knowing there would be more people observing me like an animal. Maybe they're nice?
"Alix? We're ready for you." A tall doctor said. He was stunning. Like he was beyond beautiful. I got up and followed him through the hallways, twisting my fingers nervously. He brought me into room 4 and had me go up against the wall. "Alright, I'm just checking your height...and you seem to be 5feet 3inches," he smiled to me, "oh how rude of me, I'm Doctor Styles, but call me Harry. I'm just going to get your weight and then I'll go to get my mates." I nodded and picked at my fingers, a nervous habit I had yet to break. "Are you nervous, love?" I looked up to meet his gaze and slowly shook my head yes. "There's nothing to be afraid of, I promise. We'll take great care of you! I just need to get your weight. Step up on the scale for me darling?" I got onto the scale and Harry moved the weights until it was even. "113 pounds. I'm not worried about it, but just make sure you're eating enough, okay?"
"And now I have to ask some questions," he told me, sitting on his wheely chair and pulling up a screen on his tablet.
"You're 18 right?"
"Are you allergic to any medication?"
"Have you had any problems lately?"
"And are you sexually active?" I blushed and mumbled a no.
"Lastly, do you have any questions or concerns for me?"
"Not really."
"Alright, so I'll be back with the boys in just a second." I stood in the center of the room, not really wanting to get onto the bed. A couple seconds later, the door opened and Harry along with four other doctors walked in.
"Hello love! I'm Louis!"
"Hi.." I looked to the floor.
"I'm Niall, that's Zayn and Liam," he said pointing to the other two in the room. I smiled and looked back towards my hands.
"Okay so we need you to hop up onto the table for us." I turned around and got on top of the table, crossing my legs and looking up.
"I'm just going to check your heart beat," Louis explained, taking off his stethoscope from around his neck and putting it against my chest. "Woah that's a drum you've got in there. Relax for me babe." My heart continued to hammer against my chest and it didn't exactly slow down. "Lay back for me?" I laid across the table and Louis listened again. "Much better. Deep breath?" I took a deep breath and Louis moved the stethoscope to my right side, "and again? Okay, you're all good."
"Can you look at Harry for me Alix?" I looked at Harry and Louis shined a light into my eyes. He turned and wrote in my folder.
"I'm going to look in your ears okay?" Zayn asked. I nodded and he grabbed the torch and shined it into both of my ears. "Say ahh?"
"Hm, your throat is a little red. Has it been bothering you?" He asked.
"Uh not really."
"Okay, I'm going to do a strep test at the end to double check."
"Do you have to?" I quietly asked.
"I'll be quick. No worries."
Niall approached me and asked me to lay back. "I just have to check you stomach and upper pelvic bones." He lifted my shirt and pushed against my stomach in different areas. "Any pain?"
"I just have to pull the waistband of your pants down a bit."
"It's fine, I promise." He pulled down the waist band and pressed deeply into my lower stomach. "No pain?" I said no and he went and filled in my file on the table.
"So we have a strep test and you're due for Tdap," Liam said reading my chart.
"A tetanus vaccine." I gulped and and nodded. Liam went to the cabinet and grabbed a swab with a tube. "Open for me?" I opened my mouth then he quickly swabbed my throat and I gagged. "Great job!" Harry walked into the room with a tray, I'm assuming had the vaccine on it.
"So I know you're nervous, but I promise to be gentle okay sweetheart?" I didn't say anything, just stared. Harry walked to the bed and placed the tray next to me, grabbing a wipe. He cleaned my upper arm and grabbed the syringe.
"Look at Louis for me?" I looked towards Louis who smiled and grabbed my hand.
"1,2,3," the cold needle pierced my skin making a tear slip out and a small whimper pass my lips. "Shh, it's okay," Harry whispered pulling the needle out and grabbing a bandaid. He placed the bandaid over the area and then looked at my face. "Everything looks great and healthy, Alix! We'll see you soon!" He smiled and then he helped me off the table. The other boys said good bye and Harry walked me to the front where he asked for my number and gave me a hug. Maybe the doctor's wasn't such a bad place..

Word count: 1,003
A/n- how did you like my first imagine? My friend gave me the idea a couple nights ago! Make sure to vote and comment! -Alexandra

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