Coffee With A Side Of Crazy

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"Eggs? Check. Bread? Check. Bacon? Of course!"

You scanned your grocery list for any other items you required. Once you had concluded your review, you wheeled your small shopping cart towards the check out counter with the overly-cheerful clerk. You came to a sudden stop. How could you forget!? It was the one thing that made you get out of bed in the morning. Coffee. You knew you wouldn't survive the morning with out a cup.

You sped over to aisle 6, where they stocked your addiction. Searching the packed shelves for your favorite brand, you glanced at a blonde man standing to your left. Normally, you wouldn't have paid him any mind, but something about him demanded your attention. Maybe it was his unusual, dark, purple eyes. They seemed devoid of any glint of emotion. Either that, or the equally peculiar, purple sailor suit he was wearing. There was something about his blank expression that seemed so familiar.  Then, you spotted the bag of your favorite Norwegian coffee he was reaching for. There was no way you could get the coffee. You couldn't jump
for it and you forgot your ladder at home. (Even if he is shorter than you, let's just pretend. Okay? Imagination~)

"Excuse me, could you grab me some of that coffee off the top shelf, please?" You asked this intriguing man.

He didn't say a word to you. He didn't even look at you. He just gave you a slightly annoyed grunt and pulled two bags off the shelf. He turned and handed the little package to you. As soon as he saw your face, his apathetic appearance morphed into a strange expression, ranging from shock and confusion to excitement and joy. There was even a hint of sadness in the mix.

"Um...Thanks..." You said with a nervous smile. You did your best to disregard the stare that was currently sending a wave of icy chills up your spine. You hadn't the slightest idea of what to say to this guy.

Do I have something in my teeth? You thought to your self. You were in the process of checking for a second head that could have possibly sprouted, when this strange guy darted down the isle.

Oh,come on. My breath can't be that bad! You mentally shouted. Curious, you casually sped down the aisle after him, forgetting your filled cart. You eagerly surveyed the aisles for him. You couldn't explain the urge that drove you forward, you just wanted to find him and get some answers. You did your best to be stealthy without going into 007 mode and looking like an idiot.

You caught a flash of purple glint out of the corner of your eye. Being the smarty-pants you were, you prepared to intercept this man by going across to the adjacent aisle and waiting by the entrance.

You watched as the purple clad figure approached the entrance. With out another thought you tackled the figure and gave a triumphant 'booyah!' Your exuberant victory dance cut off by a swift blow to the head. You searched for the source of your throbbing head and found your culprit laying beneath you.

"Holy crap! Mrs.Albermarle, I'm so sorry!" You squeaked at the furious old lady in front of you. Mrs.Albermarle was your Greek elderly neighbor who lived with her 17 cats beside you. She apparently decided today was the perfect day to wear her dark purple blouse to the supermarket. She hit you once more with her cane and mumbled a few expletives.

You apologized immensely and helped her onto her feet. She scolded you about respecting your elders and hobbled off. She grumpily pushed past a smiling man with impressively spiky, blonde hair. He winked at you and flashed a large grin. You blushed a bit at this random guy, but ended up retreating back to the coffee aisle for your items.

Feeling like a complete idiot, you reclaimed your cart and trudged over to the check-out. You emptied the contents of your cart onto the counter and let the cashier do the rest. The cashier threw meaningless pleasantries at you,like, how are you? Having a good day? Do you want paper or plastic? You gave brief and thoughtless responses to these inconvenient inquiries. You wanted to finish this errand, go home and spend the rest of your day (insert hobby here/sleeping) before anymore weird things happened.

You gathered your groceries and briskly rushed out the sliding doors. An intimidating man in a blue uniform glared at you on the way out. Having been through enough already, you pushed him to the back of your mind and began your walk home.

It was a beautiful day out. You gazed at the world surrounding you, as you strolled down the street leading to home. The birds chirped as they glided over head and the distinct aroma of the crisp morning air calmed your nerves. You allowed the sunlight to penetrate your skin and fill you with a cozy warmth. All the stress from before was melting away under the soothing beams of  golden, shimmering, sun.

Then, as quickly as the worries had faded away, they resurged, accompanied by a eerie feeling. The feeling began forming a large pit in your stomach. It was a strange feeling, but you knew it all to well. It was the sense of being watched.

I'm just being paranoid. I just need some coffee. Yeah, coffee solves everything!

The once warm and welcoming air became sinister and cold within a second. You heard speedy steps hit the pavement behind you. You sped up your stride and the footsteps behind you kept up with the pace. You didn't dare turn to see your pursuers. Only one thought remained in your mind. There's no place like home. There's no place like home. There's no place like home!!!

You couldn't withstand the suspense for any longer. You glanced over your shoulder to be met with three blonde men from the store tagging along behind you. The purple guy from before was smacking the one with spiky hair, while the one in the blue uniform marched forward,never braking eye contact with you. Oh, God! I'm being stalked by the three stooges!

You were growing increasingly frightened by these three. They seemed harmless, but you could never tell. I'm done! Go home, go to bed!(if you get this reference I love you.~)

You broke out into a sprint, causing the trio to cease their bickering and begin blatantly chasing you. You tossed your grocery bag on the ground to allow you to run faster.

"Wait!(y/n)!" The spiky haired one called after you.

How did he know my name?!?!?! You definitely weren't going to stop and ask. You had no plan to slow down, well, not intentionally anyway...

In your great escape, you hadn't even noticed the uneven ground you were treading on. Your foot found its way into a decently sized pothole. You only had time to gasp, then you felt the rough concrete collide with your face.

The three mysterious men immediately quit their pursuit and gathered around you. They all huddled over you, shouting in strange tongues. You couldn't tell what they were saying, but that could easily be the concussion talking. Despite the language complications, their faces easily conveyed the worry that over came them.

You desperately attempted to lift your self up, sending a sharp pain rocketing through your head. Your vision was blurry and a black haze crept up around the edges. The haze grew and threatened to consume your vision with hasty speed. You mumbled a few incoherent words and let the blackness engulf your view of the panicking men.

I hate Mondays.

Soon your hearing faded as well, leaving you alone in the darkness, completely unconscious.

Thank you for reading my first chapter of Reunion with Strangers. I know it may not make too much sense now, but give me some time and I will explain everything. I hope you don't mind the feels though. I'm incredibly excited for this book! I hope you enjoy it as well!~

Reunion with Strangers (Viking Nordics x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now