First Sight [1]

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The rain came storming down like a hail of bullets. I looked out of my bedroom window, seeing the grey, huge moon staring down at me, casting and eerie glow around my bedroom floor. I was bored. And what's even sadder about that is that it's a Saturday night. So, on my Saturday night, I spent my time staring out the window feeling sorry for myself. Why was I feeling sorry for myself, some of you may ask? Because I'm bored on a Saturday night.

I yawned and, using my fingers, moved my brown, chestnut, wavy hair out of my face. I combed my hair back with my fingers and, using the black hair tie on my wrist, tied it up in a loose ponytail.

My thoughts were interrupted when I heard something loud land on my roof. How big was that raindrop? I sighed and jumped off my windowsill onto the carpet. I walked out of my bedroom and jogged down the stairs to inspect the roof. When I got outside, I climbed up to my treehouse. It was difficult considering the clothes I was wearing. My pajama shorts reached just above my mid-thigh and my shirt was a V-neck and reached down to my wrists. As I was going up, I made a count of how many scratches I got caused by the sharp tree points and twigs.

I looked through the little, worn out window and gasped when I saw a figure. I couldn't tell what they were doing because of how dark it was. Using all my confidence I had, I climbed onto the roof of the treehouse and from there, jumped in an attempt to reach the house roof. Fortunately, luck was on my side and I easily made it. I got up from my crouching position and brushed sand from the dirty, wet roof of my knees.

I heard somekind of  banging noise, followed by a curse and immediately remembered the reason I was up here.

"Who is it?" I called out. The shuffling stopped.

Cautiously, I made my way over to the figure. I heard a defeated sigh and then the figure stood up. For a few seconds there was silence. I walked over to him and had to hold in a gasp that was threatening to escape my lips. He had to be the hottest guy I had seen, like ever in my entire 16 years of living.

"Why are you staring at me like that?" His voice was as hot as his face.

"Huh?" I said, dazed.

He was giving me a weird look and then I realised what he had said. I glared at him and said, "Well I have a right to, your on my roof!"

I knew he knew I was checking him out but it's not like I'd ever admit to it. All he did was shrug his shoulders. For some strange reason this made my insides boil in fury. I don't know what I was getting so worked up about. I was just in a really bad mood, I guess.

"Why are you so red-" I cut him off.

"BECAUSE I'M MAD AT YOU!" I screamed my head off.

"Wooooow calm down. God that was freaky." He laughed and shook his head.

This made my temper rise even further.

"So what- Your just gonna laugh at me? Well then, I got some news for you mister! I don't appreciate you coming on my roof and then disr-" I was interrupted by a bolt of lightening striking.

I screamed to the heavens and lots my ballance. I stumbled back and fell on the roof. I slipped and landed in the gutter. I was stuck.

"What the bitc-" It all happened fast then. One minute I was stuck in the gutter, my ass hurting like a dog then the next thing you know, the gutter breaks and falls to the floor bringing me with it. Gosh, I could already feel the pain...

A Teacher, A Student, One Hell of a SecretWhere stories live. Discover now