Prettiest ballerina- Carter Price

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Being a ballerina could take lots of energy out of you, the pointe shoes, the endless practice on top of homework and of course recitals. Usually, my best friend Carter who I've been friends with since forever came to dance practice every day after school, and on the weekends.

I understood her dad and uncle disappeared just as her aunt did a really long time ago, but now she was back. And Bel had her mom. I didn't know where Carter was so I decided to call her after ballet was over.

I dialed her number, she picked up on the second ring as always, it was like a little code between us two, I smiled when I heard her voice speaking, "hello?" I cleared my throat, gripping my duffel bag.

"Hey, Carter. I've been missing you at ballet, we hardly talk at school, I just wanted to check on you," her next words had a tone of guilt as if she didn't even realize, "Y/n, I'm so sorry. These few months have been crazy with my family and everything and the press, I have so much to tell you and I would really like a second chance. Maybe you could come over and we can talk?"

She sounded genuinely sorry, and I have been missing her lots, I nodded, "of course. I'll be there, I love you, Car." There was some rustling as if she was sitting up, "I love you too." With that, I hopped on my bike and burned calories all the way to Bel/Carter's home.

After knocking on the door, I was met with Rachel Price, I wouldn't admit it because I wouldn't want to sound stalkerish, but I'm glad Rachel is safe now, she smiled welcoming me into her home, "are you here for Carter, sweetie?" I nodded, "yes ma'am, she said I can stop by. We haven't seen each other in a bit." I said stepping inside her home,

It was decorated to look nice and homely with was the feeling of it as well. I could hear someone's footsteps coming down the stairs, it was Carter, she ran and hugged me.

I'd never tell her, but I saw Carter as more than a friend, the reason I'd never tell her is because she definitely couldn't like me in that way, and in fear she'd end our friendship entirely. I hugged her back tightly, she spoke giddily,

"I've missed you so much, I have so much to update you on." She looked over at her aunt, as if she was asking for permission, Rachel nodded, I was confused but minded my own business.

"Come on, let's go to my room." She intertwined our hands and led me upstairs to her room, on the way up the stairs, we passed Bel who greeted me and then smirked at Carter. Once we got up to her bedroom, we sat down on her bed, her hands still intertwined with mine.

"First off, I wanted to apologize for freezing you. You're my best friend and I really care about you so much." I smiled at her, "I forgive you, I do. I know you've been through a lot, your parents disappearing, it's crazy," she chuckled nervously, "about that..."

The last twenty minutes of explaining sent my brain into overdrive, by the time Carter stopped talking, my mouth was agape, she chewed on her cheek, "say something, please?" My breath was shaky.

"So Rachel is your mom, and Bel is your sister, and your "parents"," I put quotes around the parents, "lied and pretended you were their daughter, and even went as far as wearing fake pregnancy bumps?" She nodded,

"Do you blame me for what happened, the truth of it, I mean?" I shook my head, "you were betrayed, and so was your aunt- mom, and Bel, you did nothing wrong." Tears started to prick her eyes, she hugged me tightly, snuggling her head into my neck.

I muttered sweet nothings into her ears, trying to calm her down and stop her tears, I wanted her to understand that I loved her either way and she was innocent, and didn't deserve to be lied to. After a few minutes, she calmed down and looked up at me.

"I love you." I stroked her black hair which was a contrast to Bel's blonde, "I love you too," she shook her head, "you know what I mean." My eyebrows raised, "like... romantically?" She nodded and propped herself up,

"Do you feel the same about me?" I mustered up the courage, Carter had told me her truth, she needed to know I feel the same. "I liked you too, I never said anything because I didn't want it to drive a wedge between us."

She shook her head, sitting up even more and looking into my eyes, "we should go on a date," she whispered, a small smile played on my face, "yeah maybe after ballet practice." She scoffed quietly, "sounds nice, how about burgers?" I nodded, she leaned in and pressed a long kiss to my lips.

I could feel the heat rushing into my cheeks, "so that means you'll be at dance next Tuesday?" She hummed, "yep, and I'll be seeing you at school on Monday." Just then, my phone rang, I grumbled, I should've been home for dinner by now, my mom was going to throw a fit. I text my mom a quick 'I'll be there'

I looked back up at Carter and started to explain, "my mom needs me home, I gotta go," she whined, and reluctantly let me stand up, before I left I pressed a soft kiss to her forehead and walked back downstairs where Rachel and Bel stood while they were making their own family dinner.

"Good night guys." I smiled and walked to the door, Rachel answered back, "good night sweetheart, be safe!" I smiled, Bel stopped me at the door, "if you hurt her, that's your life." I chuckled nervously and nodded, "got it, night."

The next Tuesday, after Ballet, Rachel picked Carter and me up from dance class and took us for burgers. She and Carter insisted on her staying in the car while we went inside and had our burgers, once I came back from the counter from getting our food, I say down and smiled at Carter.

"This looks great, you know, my fake mom never let me eat things like this," I felt a bit of empathy for her, unfortunately I still had that same mom, at least Carter's real mom didn't deprive her of food. I nodded, "I'm glad Rachel lets you eat what you want, you deserve that." She smiled.

"You were really good during the combo today," I blushed at her compliment, the flush from dancing only adding to that, "why thank you, but you, my love are like the very best ballerina I've ever seen," she shook her head, "no, you're the best ballerina I've seen and had the pleasure of knowing."

I lean back in my booth, "we could do this all night, you're obviously better," she threw a french fry at me, I gasped and threw one back, she laugh as did I, we earned some looks, but we didn't care.

After some time of getting attacked with fries, Carter and me finished our food and walked back to her mom's car. On the way to the car, my arm was wrapped around Carter's. After a bit of silence she stopped walking and so did I, she sigh deeply before taking my hands in hers.

"Do you wanna be my girlfriend?" I was shocked, yes, we'd told each other how we felt about the other, but I didn't expect her to become exclusive, I nodded quickly, "yes, a thousand times, yes!" She beamed, and brought her lips to mine in an even longer and gentler kiss.

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