Part 13: more than anything reprise-

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Here's the Scottish version of the song: Tha thu air tòrr a dhèanamh mu thràth Na h-uimhir de bheatha a tha thu air atharrachadh Na h-uimhir de anaman a tha thu air suathadh Agus aig a' cheann thall, mas e mise a-mhàin a shàbhail thu Tha rudeigin ann a tha mi air a bhith a' bàsachadh ri ràdh Nas motha na rud sam bith, barrachd air rud sam bith Feumaidh fios a bhith agad gu bheil gaol agam ort nas motha na rud sam bith Nas motha na rud sam bith

here is the original version of this song : You've already done so much
So many lives you've changed
So many souls you've touched
And in the end, if it's only me you've saved There's something that I've been dying to say
More than anything, more than anything
Need you to know I love you more than anything
More than anything

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