Here's the Scottish version of the song: Ach bha i ceart, Sera
Sheall i dhuinn gum faod anam leasachadh
Chunnaic e an solas, Sera
Thoir sùil air a h-uile bogsa a thuirt thu a bhiodh
Cruthaich gu bheil neach airidh air an dàrna cothrom
A-nis tha sinn a 'tionndadh ar cùl, gun dàrna sùil?
Chan eil e cho sìmplidh sa tha thu a' smaoineachadh
Chan eil a h-uile càil air a litreachadh ann an inc
Chan eil e cothromach, Sera
Bi faiceallach, a Theàrlaich, cùm ceann fionnar
Chan eil! Nach eil dragh agad, a Shèra?
Sin dìreach leis gu bheil cuideigin marbh, chan eil
Tha sin a' ciallachadh nach urrainn dhaibh co-dhùnadh na dòighean aca atharrachadh
Tionndaidh an duilleag, teich teine ifrinn
Tha mi cinnteach gum bu toil leat gum faodadh e a bhith mar sin
Ach tha tòrr ann air nach eil fios agad
Cò mu dheidhinn a tha sinn eadhon a' bruidhinn?
Some crack-whore who fucked up mar-thà?
Shèid e 'urchair, mar na coilich 'na bheul
Tha an deasbad seo gun chiall agus beag
Chan eil ceist sam bith ri chur
Tha e mì-naomh, cùis dùinte
An do dhìochuimhnich thu gu bheil Ifrinn gu bràth?
Chan eil duine beò ach aon turas, chì sinn ann am mìos thu
Feumaidh mi ràdh, chan urrainn dhomh feitheamh
Thig a nuas agus sgriosar thu
Dè tha thu ag ràdh? Leig leam seo fhaighinn dìreach
An tèid thu sìos an sin agus a mharbhas tu na h-anaman bochda sin?
Nach robh fios agad?
Dèan cinnteach gu bheil an cat a-mach às a' phoca
Dè an gnothach mòr a th' ann?
Sera, innis dhomh nach robh fios agad
Bha mi a' smaoineachadh, leis gu bheil mi nas sine
'S e m' uallach gu gualainn
Chan eil!
Feumaidh tu èisteachd, b' e co-dhùnadh cho cruaidh a bh' ann
Bha mi airson do shàbhaladh, an dòrainn a bheir e
Dèan na bha a dhìth
Gus smaoineachadh gun robh meas agam ort, uill
Chan eil feum agam air do mhisneachd
Chan e leanabh a th' annam ri dhìon
An e dìreach suirghe a bh' ann an labhairt mu bhuadhan?
An robh mi ro naive airson a bhith an dùil riut
Gus aire a thoirt do na moraltachd a tha thu a 'toirt seachad?
Sin an rud a tha mi air a bhith ag ràdh!
Ma tha Ifrinn gu bràth, feumaidh nèamh a bhith na bhreug (Emily!)
Ma's urrainn na h-aingil ni air bith a dheanamh, agus fuireach anns an iarmailt
Tha na riaghailtean mar shades de ghlas nuair nach dèan thu mar a chanas tu
Nuair a bheir thu air na daoine truagh fulang dìreach airson am marbhadh a-rithist
Chaidh innse dhomh gun a bhith earbsa ann an ainglean
Le i?
Ha! Bu chòir fios a bhith aice
Bu chòir dhuinn falbh
Chan eil! Nach faic thu? Tha sinn air tighinn cho faisg
Seall orra a' sabaid, tha iad aig sgòrnan a chèile
Na dèan thu uile àrd agus cumhachdach
An do smaoinich thu a-riamh gum faodadh do leannan a bhith breugach?
Na dèan, Adhamh mas e do thoil e
Dè an t-ùpraid a th' ann?
Carson a chuireas tu am falach gur e aingeal a th' annad dìreach mar sinne?Here's the original version of the song : But she was right, Sera
She showed us a soul can improve
He saw the light, Sera
Checked all the boxes that you said would
Prove a person deserves a second chance
Now we turn our backs, no second glance?
It's not as simple as you think
Not everything is spelled in ink
It's not fair, Sera
Careful, Charlie, keep a cool head
No! Don't you care, Sera?
That just because someone is dead, it doesn't
Mean they can't resolve to change their ways
Turn the page, escape infernal blaze
I'm sure you wish it could be so
But there's a lot that you don't know
What are we even talkin' about?
Some crack-whore who fucked up already?
He blew his shot, like the cocks in his mouth
This discussion is senseless and petty
There's no question to be posed
He's unholy, case closed
Did you forget that Hell is forever?
A man only lives once, we'll see you in one month
Gotta say, I can't wait to
Come down and exterminate you
What are you saying? Let me get this straight
You go down there and kill those poor souls?
You didn't know?
Guess the cat's out of the bag
What's the big deal?
Sera, tell me that you didn't know
I thought, since I'm older
It's my load to shoulder
You have to listen, it was such a hard decision
I wanted to save you, the anguish it takes to
Do what was required
To think that I admired you, well
I don't need your condescension
I'm not a child to protect
Was talk of virtue just pretension?
Was I too naive to expect you
To heed the morals you're purveying?
That's what the fuck I've been saying!
If Hell is forever, then Heaven must be a lie (Emily!)
If angels can do whatever, and remain in the sky
The rules are shades of gray when you don't do as you say
When you make the wretched suffer just to kill them again
I was told not to trust in angels
By her?
Ha! She should know
We should go
No! Don't you see? We've come so close
Look at them fighting, they're at each other's throats
Don't you act all high and mighty
Did you ever think your little girlfriend might be a liar?
Don't, Adam please
What's the fuss?
Why hide the fact that you're an angel just like us?
Translating hazbin song into Scottish Gaelic
ParanormalBasically, I've seen so many different versions of of the songs from the show but I want to share something with youse because fun fact one of the languages that I learn in School is Scottish Gaelic and I want to share some translations with your fo...