the first sighting. [1]

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(Hello! This is my first ever Wattpad story that I am making that isnt a joke like my first one. Also this has MAJOR II2 ep18 spoilers so if you haven't watched it yet then go watch it before reading this. I hope you enjoy this!)


Steve Cobs violently opened Suitcase from and took the shimmer out of her. Cobs would stare at the shimmer in delight knowing this is what he needed to FINALLY become powerful and famous again. This is what he needed to make new and BETTER MePhones ever since 3GS came with only 2 of them. He'd then start walking away while ranting over the shimmer.

"OHOHOHOH! Now THIS is rich! After EVERYTHING you've been through I'VE still won because I have THIS!"

Cobs would say powerfully, trying to taunt about getting the prized posession.

"But clearly it's only grown in power over the years, I dont remember it blinking!"

He'd say with a chuckle in between just from how fascinating it is. He'd stare at the shimmer for a bit watching it blink and blink, until Suitcase replied.

"Oh! Maybe thats because.. it doesn't."

She'd say. Steve Cobs would stare back at the shimmer noticing something off. He grew more concerned by the second as it started blinking faster and faster. At this point it started to blink extremely fast as he realized what it truly was.

He'd try to run or throw the bomb disguised as a shimmer away but it was too late. It already exploded. He'd immediately get blown away from the sheer force from the explosion as the heat would already get very overwhelming. Cobs would explode and pop into popcorn mid-air as his corpse fell to the ground. The popcorn would be scattered across the floor as the contestants from the show watched. Cobs corpse was burnt on the floor with only a few kernels still attached to his body. It seems like the only thing still (mostly) intact was his broken glasses. Otherwise he's just gone.


Suddenly Cobs would wake up. Well, atleast in a void that is. Cobs would just stand there still processing what just happened in those few moments going from sheer joy to horror. He still felt his body aching like it was on fire.

"Where the FUCK am I?"

Cobs would mutter to himself. It seemed like the empty black path would go on and on. Everything felt like his eyes were shut, yet they were still opened. The only recognition of depth he had was his body parts although, they didn't work well.

He'd just look at his hands wondering what this place even was. Cobs would then just decide to stand up and look around. As he tried to walk around he'd fall over realizing it would be almost impossible or hard to walk around in a place with no depth. Yet, that didn't stop him. Cobs would take little baby steps until, he saw something, or someone in the distance. A big purple rectangle. No, it couldn't be. MePad is dead. But so is Cobs. He'd run up to whatever it was, just hoping he could find contact with another person.

As soon as Cobs got there the purple figure turned around...

Burnt and Broken [An II18 AU]Where stories live. Discover now