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Prologue:The Crescent Pack

"I want this!" Marc spun the globe on the table with a sort of awe that sent chills through the room.

Jaxon nodded, a smile creeping onto his face. He couldn't agree more. And he wasn't the only one. There was only one person whose smile didn't match that of Jaxon's.

"But it’s impossible," Lila squeaked, fidgeting with her sleeve. It terrified her to disagree with the Alpha but sometimes she found herself blurting things out.

Marc wiggled his index finger at Lila's nose, amused. "Oh but it is possible." Marc had that power-crazy look in his eyes.

Lila looked down at her feet, shyly.

Jaxon showed no hint of doubt in Marc, even as he asked, "How is it possible then?"

Jaxon was Marc's right hand man. Jaxon followed Marc religiously, and in turn, the rest of the pack followed Jaxon. But Lila was sick of following like a herd of sheep, though she dared not say anything much.

"My fellow werewolves," Marc began, "I'm sick and tired of fighting over our territory with other packs."

Jaxon smiled with a quick agreeing nod.

The other guys, Randy, Hunter and Corry, just agreed mechanically with everything Marc or Jaxon had to say, as usual.

Chelsea, the only other female werewolf in the Crescent Pack, flipped her bleach blonde hair to get some attention before she spoke. "You're not the only one," she smiled charmingly, her voice sickly sweet.

That effect was lost on Lila. She'd seen Chelsea rip off a human's head. She was anything but pleasant. However, the boys still seemed captivated by her Barbie doll perfection.

"Do you ever think what it would be like to rule over America? To be feared by all other packs and never challenged over our territory, ever again?"

Sighs filled the room; heavy sighs that were full of longing.

"But why stop there?" Marc beamed, clearly pleased with himself. He had the pack eating out of his hands. "Why not the whole world?"

Lila couldn't help but stare at Marc like he was losing his mind. They were already the largest pack out there. But that wasn't enough to take over the world. No, he was definitely nuts.

"What’s this plan of yours?" Lila asked, suspicious. She was giving him such a filthy look that Marc shot her a short, low growl that said it all; I’m the oldest, most powerful werewolf in existence. Don’t mess with me.

"With an army of Half-bloods..." he let the idea sink in, "anything is possible."

That was his big idea? Lila thought, sourly. It was just trouble waiting to happen. Didn't he know how easily Half-bloods rebelled?

Lila waited until no one was looking before she rolled her eyes, she couldn't help herself.

"I want to kill off all other Full-bloods and I want to rule this world. Who's with me?" Marc snarled, somehow happily.

A chorus erupted in the pack. Lila sat there grumbling. Every single Full-blooded werewolf except for their pack… dead?

Everyone was in agreement, except for Lila.

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