The Accidental Kiss (overview)

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Imagine one day you are walking down the school corridor which is packed with people (as usual). You are just walking, minding your own business and suddenly you feel a shove from behind. Before you even know it, your lips are smashed into another guys lips. I REPEAT. A GUY. AND NOT JUST ANY GUY. IT IS THE HOTTEST GUY IN SCHOOL, LUKE EVANS. What do you do? Why, you run of course, as fast as possible.

Meet Joey:Her name doesn't even sound like it, but she's an introvert. She used to be an extrovert. But shit happens and now she feels that being with people drains her energy. She doesn't have any friends, she is afraid to make friends and she has trust issues. Oh and just in case you didn't realize, she's a straight-A geek and goody-two shoes.

Meet Luke:List out all the hottest celebrities in the world. Multiply that by ten and you get Luke. But, beneath his playboy attitude he has a secret that no one knows about.

What happened after that incident along the corridor? This story is not about how two people kiss, get to know each other and start dating. It's about how one discovers the happiness of friendship and how they stop themselves from falling for each other.


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