It is early morning and it is time for the dragon queen that was hatched at Hasse's house to lay her eggs. The dragon queen feels the eggs pressing against her anus and she awakens her male. The male is happy to be woken up. He has missed a few egg layings and he finds it amusing when the eggs pop out of the dragon queens anus.
The dragon queen lays a total of 75 eggs and the male is helpful in spewing fire into each nest. The dragon queen still thinks it's fun to lay her eggs, but she no longer counts how many eggs end up in each nest. The male is helpful and fetches a large cow for the dragon queen when she has laid her eggs. He knows she is very hungry as she has laid the eggs.
The dragon queen is very happy that the male has brought food for her and it is not long before she eats the cow with a very good appetite.
At the same time as the dragon queen lays her eggs and eats a cow, the 20 dragon queen eggs laid the previous day begin to hatch.
The white dragon queen who lives in the cave where Sven killed a pair of dragons, walks up to the first nest. Her rainbow colored male is standing next to her and he is almost hysterical but she takes it easy.
The White Dragon Queen gently sniffs the eggs and listens for any sound from them. She can hear a faint humming sound from the eggs and soon they begin to move.
Cracks form in the hard white shells and the cracks soon become larger and a clear liquid begins to flow out of the eggs and into the nest.
The eggs start to move more wildly as the baby dragons start to emerge from their eggs. On some of the eggs, the entire top of the shell breaks and the white dragon queen and the male can see the wet baby dragons moving inside the eggs. The baby dragons crawl out of the eggs and end up in the nest. They stand on very unsteady legs and a little clear liquid runs from their folded wings.
From several eggs, the front legs of young dragons can be seen sticking out. Their front legs move and crack the shells more and more until they loosen enough for the baby dragons to get out of the eggs. They clumsily tumble out of the nest.
All the baby dragons that hatch in the first nest are males and they have very strong and beautiful colors. One of them is rainbow colored just like his father but has a slightly different pattern than the full grown male. When all the eggs have hatched and the baby dragons have gained better balance, they climb out of the nest and stop in front of their two parents.
The dragon queen and the male go to the next nest and the baby dragons happily follow. They are curious about this new world they have come to. The large white eggs in the second nest begin to crack and crackle loudly. Soon the transparent liquid flows out of all the eggs and small squeaks are heard from some of the eggs. A low grunt is heard from a few others.
The cracks in the egg soon widen and some eggs move violently as the baby dragons try to get out of them. Many of the baby dragons haven't learned to coordinate their movements properly yet, which means that their attempts to get out of the eggs don't work the first time. But the baby dragons are stubborn and try again and again to crack the shells so they can get out. In the end, they succeed and tumble out of the nest. A baby dragon has such high speed that it lands on some other baby dragons. These baby dragons are also males and have nice and clear colors.
The baby dragons do not wait for each other after hatching from their eggs, but emerge from the nest when their balance is better. Soon all 20 baby dragons are gathered above the nest. They stand and look at their parents.
The dragon queen and the male go to the third nest and all 40 newly hatched baby dragons follow in a long line. When all the dragons arrive at the nest, all the eggs in the nest begin to shake and crackle. Cracks form in several places on the white shells and after a while the transparent liquid starts to flow out of the eggs.
Dragon life
FantasyHasse lives a normal life in Gothenburgh when he suddenly falls down in a big cave on one of his daily walks. Hasse Finds three dragon eggs in the cave and take they home. Two of the eggs hatches and the two dragons soon grow up and start to reprodu...