when the tough gets going

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Hello guys! I hope you are having a wonderful summer! Missed you sooooooo much!

Sorry for the short chapter but I am away a lot.

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Despite my protests both the boys I loved so much seemed unfazed. Leo even got some days off from work and came over to my apartment to stay for a few days. Actually he set camp in the living room and he insisted that he came to the university with me to be seen by certain girls who would undoubtedly spread the word.

He kept coming everywhere with me, to the library, to the supermarket, to the café I liked...everywhere. It was a good thing that I liked his company so much otherwise it would be really awkward...well actually it was in a way as he did act completely like my boyfriend. He held my hand whenever there was anyone near, kept me close, hugged me, kissed my cheek and took me on rides with his bike at places that we were likely to be seen by people who knew Nadia, Helena and her husband or other relatives and friends of theirs for that matter.

I felt that it was so not fair to him. I didn't want to lead him on nor take advantage of his feelings for me after his rather sudden declaration. Leo though didn't seem to mind the situation at all and to be honest the minute we were home he would go back to normal.

Harry would text me daily or we would meet at Pete's at times very cautiously. He hated the fact that Leo seemed to enjoy his duties but there was no way out of this especially as it seemed to be working.

That night I was working at the club and Leo offered to give me a ride. Rose would meet him there to keep him company. As soon as I came out of my bedroom Leo gave me a smirk.

"You are wearing that?" he said pointing at my short silver dress with lace details on the hem.

"Yeah...What's wrong? Is it dirty or something?" I asked looking down in search of a stain.

"It's dirty all right...no girlfriend of mine is wearing shit like that" he said with a tone I really didn't appreciate.

"Good thing I am not your girlfriend then" I pointed out harshly even though I was more than certain my comment must have hurt but I simply didn't appreciate guys being jerks forbidding their girlfriends of wearing nice dresses which were really not revealing just slightly sexy.

"Yeah...but people don't know that...and ...and I can't have you wear that ... that belt...because it is clearly not a dress..." he continued in a more serious tone.

"For fuck's sake Leo, let her be" Rose interrupted.

He shook his head disapprovingly. This boyfriend thing was getting too serious for my liking.

"How the hell are you getting on my bike on that ha?" he questioned raising an eyebrow.

"It stretches...don't worry Leo...I am so happy that you find me pretty actually, thanks for the thumbs up" I responded ironically.

"That's just it babe...I have hormones I am trying to control here" he mumbled grabbing his helmet and rushing through the door.

"See you later Rose" I said and tried to pretend that this little scene hadn't played out.

Our ride to the club was quiet with Leo brushing his fingers on mine as I was holding his waist to avoid falling. I could tell that he didn't mean anything by it, that he didn't mean to make me feel uncomfortable but he did in a way and I simply couldn't do anything about it. I just didn't want to hold him back but he somehow agreed to this and I didn't have a say as I had promised Harry that I would do anything to keep us together. I missed Harry so much. I missed how he would hold me and kiss me and smile through my kisses and tickle me until I surrendered to him. I missed his contagious laughter that would make those freaking dimples pop, I missed his lips, his eyes...those beautiful jade green eyes that could make my day...I missed him...I missed feeling free to do whatever I wanted with him and Leo kind of reminded me what I couldn't have just yet and that was sort of painful.

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