Chapter 1

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I heard someone scream at me.

I groaned and rolled over mumbling,“Who is it and what do you want?”

“It’s me, Damien. Remember? Your best friend. You also remember that today is moving day, right?”

 “Frick! I totally forgot!” I said as I leaped out of my bed.

 I turned around and looked at the clock and saw the time. My rage grew and I turned to Damien with a look on my face that said I swear I will kill you were you stand.

“Why in the HELL are you waking me up at 3 a.m.?” I stared at him with blood-shot eyes, about to tear his throat out.

It finally dawned on him that right now was not the time to laugh or joke about my reaction. He slowly walked toward me and put both of his hands on my shoulders.

“Now, don’t be like that. I just wanted to spend a little time with you before we have to be separated by two cars and an airplane.” He said as he leaned in and puckered up.

I took one of his arms and twisted it behind his back.

“Don’t try me or I will hurt you to the point of no return.” I said as I tackled him to the ground sitting on his back, still holding onto his arm.

“OW! Frick man that hurts! Let me go!” he yelled, wriggling underneath me.

“Tap out! Tap out!” I yelled at him as I twisted his arm one more time for good measure.

“This is your last chance Anita!” he said still worming around underneath me.

“What makes you think that you can get away from me so easily, when you are still pinned under me? We both know you can't do anything so just give up already and surrender to the queen. MUAHAHAHAHAHAHA!” I leaned in and whispered into his ear and let out a load maniacal laugh after it.

“Alright you asked for it!” he yelled as he flipped us both over and pinned my arms to the floor as he straddled my waist.

We both just lied there and breathed heavily. Then Damien took both of my hands and held them above my head with his left hand as I squirmed trying to get away. His face slowly came closer to mine as my heartbeat escalated. I saw his forest green eyes sparkle with something I had never seen in them before. From this close I could see the little flecks of blue shining in his eyes under a veil of warm honey gold hair.

“Wh-What are you-mmhmm” I started saying until his lips crashed down on top of mine.

My eyes bulged out of my head as he started kissing me. I was even more amazed when my eyes closed and I started kissing him back. He let my hands down and I took the advantage pushing him away and running into the bathroom. I locked the door behind me and slammed my back against the door. I slowly slid down sitting my butt on the floor. I didn’t hear anyone so I got up and turned on the water to take a shower. I took off my clothes and stepped in.

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