Three months after
The two reconciled and Rami courted Ahyeon again to prove that she regretted what happened to her, They were happy to leave and love eachother. Rami show's her love to ahyeon and always giving her flowers, she used the old kind of love to get ahyeon's sweet yes.
But meanwhile ruka and pharita was already getting to know eachother, they always hunging out and ruka show's her love to pharita, but pharita has her boyfriend from Korea, and that makes ruka get her first ever heart break.
They comfort ruka without Rita, but ruka didn't get angry at pharita, she thinks about her right's.
I'm here today at the Chanel weading ring shop, I'm looking for a good ring for my girl Asa, I'm going to surprise her because it's our 1st year anniversary today, I'll just going to buy her favorite chocolate cake and bought her a bouquet of flowers.
It's just a small celebration but I know she'll love it, and the more special thing is, I'll propose for my love of my life. The Asa I've been known from our college days was already different from now, and I know that I changed her.
I'm with ruka and Rami, they are helping me to find a perfect ring for her. And this is what I chosen, *the elegant silver with a perfect curved diamond at the top* it was perfect for her hand, I know it.
We went home and Rami, ruka, ahyeon, and Rita. Prepared the diner, but first I bring Asa from the sea side, to propose.
We are sitting at the front of my car, while holding her hand, "Asa" I spoke. She just looked at me with her shining bunny eyes, she was perfect. And I know that she was perfect for me either, Asa. "I have something to tell you, it's important"
The way she said that words makes my heart ache, what if she's going to break up with me? I can't afford to have a new man, and she's the only one person in my heart, is she's in a relationship with that bitch Ella? If she does I'm going to kill them both.
I didn't talk, I'll let her speak about our relationship from the day we met until we went into this situation,... "I remembered that day when I saw you at the coffeeshop, it's the day when you stole my heart again, I missed that day"
"And I remembered that I kissed you at the rooftop of your building, tell me. You like that when you run away from me" she laughed and she holds my thighs, "and did you remembered when the day you've been kidnapped by rora?"
She chuckles again and look at me deeply into my eyes. "That day you rescue me? Your my superhero at the days" superhero? I like it,
We laughed while talking about our past, we already reached our one year relationship. And I love the way it's going. I thought everything was normal, until she reached out something in her pocket and hold my hand.
"enami Asa" her eyes was so calm and quiet, what is she's doing? "I just want to tell you that I love you, and I will love you until the end, Asa. We will rise our child and teach them how to be respectful and how they treat eachother" she stopped for a second and blow a lot of kiss on the back of my hand.
"they will grow and they will learn how to love eachother" she smiled at me, her women's suit are really suit her. I really love this women, "before I'll start, may I ask you something?" I nodded and she smiled brightly.
"Would you love me for the rest of your life?" I kissed her lips and I know she knows what that mean is I just can't speak right now because of her charming attitude again. "Enami Asa, will you marry me?" Her tone was so serious and that makes me stunned.
I didn't though that she'll propose to me, the women I've been dating, is already proposing Infront of me, the person I've hurt before who is treating me right. I like this I love this.
My tears suddenly falls, she was smiling and I can feel the happiness of her eyes, I covered my mouth while in shock, I hugged her and canny rubbed my back to cheer me out, this is the tears of joy they where talking and I suddenly spoke.
"Yes canny, you can marry me" she hugged me and pull out, she reached for my fingers and inserted the beautiful ring on my beautiful fingers, this is it.
Well going to marry and love eachother's.
We went back home, my surprised wasn't over yet, I have something for her at home. "Get ready love" I slowly open the door and they greeted us by a surprise, Asa covered her mouth as her tears fall again, she hugs me and cried in my chest, "I thought your surprise was already over"
I laughed, and I remembered that I already did some five surprised for her. In the morning I surprised her by waking up with a lot of chanel accessories, and in the afternoon i surprised her for having a lunch at the beach and at the third surprised I got her was the flying airplane with a massage.
"I will marry you soon Asa" that what was on the writings, and the fourth one was I surprised her by proposing, and this is my last surprised, the dinner with our friends.
I just want her to be happy, that what I wanted her to feel.
Her surprised was enough for me to be happy, they prepared the things and the decorations. I love it, I was really is felling special with my fiance.
And I will really love her till the end.

Afraid of Losing You Again
RomanceAsa was a heart broker girl who leaves the person she love just for a girl that flirting with her every single day, and making her ex-girlfriend jealous everyday, as the Day, week, months and years has passed, without a connect with eachother, Asa m...