Book Tag

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This book tag is just titled "Book Tag." Very original whoever made this up...

Do you have a certain place at home for reading?
I do not really... I usually sit anywhere. On my bed, couch, floor, bench, kitchen, bean-bag-chair, outside, in a tree. Anywhere I can get comfy (for at least 10 minutes until I need to move again...)

Bookmark of random piece of paper?
DEFINITELY NOT a random piece of paper. I don't use an actual bookmark but I don't use a piece of paper.

Right now I'm using the brochure Ansel Elgort signed when I met him and two business cards of one of my favorite authors, Molly Evangeline. The brochure is one for the Sears Tower in Chicago.

Can you stop reading any time or do you want or do you have to stop at a certain page, chapter, etc?
I stop at a certain chapter. Unless I'm really tired, then I say to myself "A couple more pages and you'll be good for tonight."

When someone calls my name or I have to leave to go somewhere, I'll finish the paragraph I'm on then stop reading.

Was that confusing?

Do you eat or drink while reading?
Absolutely. You need water guys!! And who doesn't want a nice cup of hot chocolate or warm tea while reading on those cold winter days?

Plus, you need to eat too. Can't starve yourself!

Can you read while watching TV or listening to music?
Watching TV, yes.
Listening to music, no.
I'm a band student and I love music so much I get lost in it no matter where I am or what I'm doing. If I try to read and listen to music, I tend to focus on the music more than the book because music is such a huge part of my life and I will be majoring in music.

One book at a time or several at once?
One. At. A. Time. Even for school. If we get a book for school, I read the school book then I read my own.

Reading at home or everywhere?

Reading out loud or silently in your head?

Do you read ahead or skip pages?

Breaking the spine or keeping it new?
NEW! I have a friend that breaks the spine and it drives me insane!

Do you write in books?
Nope! I certainly do not!


I hope you enjoyed this book tag. Not really any books but I think it was a nice sort of introduction to getting to know my reading habits and maybe taking some of mine for you as well.

Comment any other book tags you would like me to do. :)

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