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An empty mind,
A void so vast,
No purpose, no escape.
It feels like drowning—
But there’s no water, no breath to lose.

My mind demands,
Begging for something,
Anything to hold on to.
But when I fail to meet its call,
It turns on me,
Filling my head with endless echoes,
Each thought sharper than the last,
A storm that shatters peace.

My fragile heart,
Too soft for this battle,
Tries to fight back.
It pleads with me to stay busy,
To keep moving,
To not look too long at the darkness.
But my mind is cruel—
It mocks the heart,
Twisting every effort into nothing.

I sit in the quiet,
And my mind begins again.
Loops of fear,
Memories of pain,
Possibilities that never were.
They pile up,
And I sink deeper,
Pulled into a place I cannot escape.

My heart tries—
Oh, how it tries.
It tells me to write,
To draw, to distract myself.
But how can I move
When the weight of my thoughts
Pins me down?

Why can’t my heart and mind
Understand each other?
Why is my heart so weak,
While my mind is merciless?
They tear me apart,
Yet they leave me together—
Just enough to feel the pain.

Boredom is not emptiness.
It’s a storm of everything at once,
A chaos I cannot quiet.
It follows me everywhere,
A shadow I cannot outrun.

Why won’t it leave me?
Why must it stay?
Why can’t I disappear—
Just for a moment,
Just to feel nothing at all?

The Sadness With The Light Of HopeWhere stories live. Discover now