Left By The Alpha

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Currently working on rewriting on this story...


They say that love is never easy. True love is even harder.

When I was sixteen I had found the one. Daniel was everything any female could ever want. His baby blue eyes would look at me as if I meant the world to him. He had dirty blonde hair that always made him look as if he had just rolled out of bed. Knowing him, sometimes that was most likely the reason for it's state! Not to mention he had the body of a Greek adonis.

The best part about Daniel was that he had been completely mine. He was a werewolf, whereas I was human. After locking eyes with me once, he claimed that I was his mate. With the first touch, I was hooked on him like a drug.

Together we spent two blissful months together. Almost every waking moment we spent together. Every day I had fallen more and more in love with him.

Suddenly my entire world was snatched away from me. With a single promise of returning, Daniel rushed off to another pack that was in danger. That was the beginning of my wait.

A week after he had left, I received news. Seven pregnancy tests later, I found out that I was expecting his child. Unfortunately, the father of my child was still missing in action. I hadn't heard a single word from him since his departure. He'd never had a cell phone, so there was no way to reach him. Not even our mate link could reach out too him.

My parents were beyond angry at the news. Their sixteen year old daughter was pregnant. They had thought that I was throwing away my future when I demanded that I kept my children. According to them, this was a problem that they wanted to fix. There was no way in hell they were going to force me to destroy my child.

At sixteen, I was pregnant, alone, and now homeless. Everyone seemed to have turned their back on me. Everyone except my best friend, Ira. She took me into her home. It was only her and her older brother, Joseph. They vowed to take care of me.

Six months later I received the news that I was going to have twins. I turned to Daniel, but he still wasn't there. Ira and I set out to pick out baby names for the two. A baby boy and girl were currently inside of the baby bump that was sticking out of my body.

On March 18th Allen and Ava Hutchens were born into the world. They weren't sporting my maiden name or Daniel's last name. Instead they were sporting my new last name. The same last name that belonged to Ira and Joseph.

March 18th was also the day that Kate Lewis had officially been declared dead. My parents had faked my death. A funeral was held, closed casket of course since there wasn't a body to bury. I'd been officially disowned.

Two years later we were at college orientation. Both Ira and I had been accepted into the University of North Carolina. Today we were going on a tour to see the campus. Our classes would be starting in two weeks. Currently the school was still holding summer classes for the students who wanted to finish up their degree.

Ava clung to me. Her tiny arms wrapped tightly around my neck. Her mop of blonde curls tickling my neck. Allen was in a similar position in Ira's arms. Unlike his sister, he was wide eyed as he looked around the busy campus.

At last minute, our babysitter had cancelled. We couldn't put them into daycare because it was last minute. So we were left with no other options but to take them with us.

Both of them resembled their father one way or another. Ava and Allen had received his blonde hair. Ava was the only one to receive my curls though. Their fair skin was a trait they had received from me. Baby blue eyes that haunted my dreams were now alive in my children. They would look up at me with their father's eyes. Every look slowly killed me inside.

It was two years and still not a word from Daniel. Due to peer pressure from Ira and Joseph, I tried dating once. It ended horribly. The guy was nice, or at least he was as nice as he could be after finding out that I was a teen mom. He tried to schedule another date. I just couldn't do it though. Not when I knew that Daniel was still somewhere in the world.

Kelly had been assigned as our tour guide. She was gorgeous. Long tan legs led up to her thin waist. She's been graced with the perfectly blonde hair and thin body. A cheerleader shirt was tightly clinging to her body, showing off her small curves. As we walked through the tour, it was obvious that she was popular here. People kept stopping to talk to her, making the tour longer.

Touring a college wasn't something easy to do. Especially when you had two toddlers that needed to be back to the hotel for a nap in an hour.

“That's the science building,” Kelly says. “It's where you will have your Chemistry, Biology, and Marine studies classes.”

“What's that?” Ira asks, pointing to a group of students sitting at picnic tables.

“Oh, that's Mr. Johnson's business class.” she explains. “During the summer classes, he likes to take his students outside for some lectures.”

We walked closer in that direction. It was on our way towards the Arts building. Ira wanted to tour that, since she would be spending most of her time there.

I glanced over the crowded class. A few students turned to look at me and Ira. Some even made rude comments about me being a slut or Ira and I being lesbians. People can just be ass holes sometimes.

My entire body froze when I felt a pair of eyes look me up and down. It was like the world had frozen. I turned around, not believing the feeling that I was receiving. A pair of blue eyes watched me as if I was prey.

The years had certainly been good to him. The boyish features that had once been there, were now manly. More muscled had been packed onto his toned body.

I felt as if my jaw had dropped onto the floor. All I could do was stare at the beautiful man that was sitting on top of one of the wooden tables.

“Mommy?” Ava asks, looking up from the crook of my neck.

For once, I ignored my daughter. I was too busy staring at him to answer her. A whisper escaped my mouth. “Daniel?”

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