Amethyst X Reader

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You sit down on the couch inside of the temple, finally being able to relax after a long day of tagging along with the gems. Garnet is talking to pearl in another room, Steven just ran out the door to go play with Connie, and Amethyst is rooting through the fridge, finding something to eat. "Hey Am, mind grabbing me some chips after you find your food?" You call to her. Amethyst called over her shoulder, still searching through the fridge; "Uhh, yeah sure! What kind?" You think for a minute, before saying, "Do we have any Jalapeño?" Amethyst bent over to look in the cupboard. "Umm... Yeah, we do!" You are about ask her to throw them to you, when something catches you off guard; Amethyst's sweet ass. You stare at it for a moment, and find yourself completely entranced. You gaze at it and salivate for a bit, before realizing that Amethyst has been calling your name for some time. You sheepishly snap out of your trance, and look at her. "Y-Yeah?" She smirks at you. "So, you like to stare?" You blush and stammer out; "N-No, it's just that... I-I thought..." Amethyst puts her hand in you knee, and grins. "Dude, I'm not complaining, it's super boring around here." You gulp, and your eyes widen. Amethyst stands up, and points her thumb to her room door. "What do you say we go back to my room, and do something fun?" You feel your ears and nose get hot, and a bulge form in your pants. "A-Alright..." You manage to stammer out, as you take her hand, and follow her into her room. The door opens and closes quickly behind you, as you hurry to a bed atop a pile of junk. You both climb the pile, and once at the top, you clamber into the bed. You throw the covers on top of you, and almost immediately, Amethyst embraces you, pulling you in, and cupping her hand around the now growing bulge in your pants. You close your eyes and wrap your arms around her waist, pulling your already close bodies even closer together. After a while of cuddling and Amethyst being adorable, she backs up a bit, blushes, and grins, slyly. She stretches her arms in the air, to remove her shirt, revealing her curved stomach. You run your fingers down her stomach slowly, and he moans, closing her eyes. She then begins to take off her bra, revealing her round, plump breasts; a beautiful shade of violet. You run your fingers gently across her face, as she giggles, and puts your index finger in her mouth, and begins to lightly suck on it for a second or two. She lets your finger go, her beautiful purple lips making a popping sound as she does. You finger has a string of saliva on it, which you ignore, as your hand finds its way to her pants. You grab the lining of them, and begin to pull them down. The pants slide off of her legs, off of her feet, and finally, off of the bed. Her panties follow in her pant's footsteps, and soon, Amethyst is completely naked. She giggles, and grabs your pants, pulling them down to your feet slowly, and gently, and then leaving them there. Your penis was already hard before you got in the bed, so no work needs to be done there. She grabs your dick, almost hesitantly, before slowly inserting it into her vagina. She lets out moans of pleasure as it goes in, and before you know it, the entire length of it is inside of her. Cautiously, she begins moving around. Her gyrating hips entrance you, and her moans only make it better. You grab her hips, and run your fingers along the edge of her waist. She moans, and calls out your name, her eyes closing, and her mouth opening. Upon closer inspection, you can see sweat glistening n her violet skin. She gets a bit faster, and places her hands on your chest, as if to gain balance. She lets out a series of cute little noises, before you start to feel a warm rush in the lower area of you body. The feeling makes its way up to your spine, and eventually, to the top of your head, and before you know it, you let out a groan, as a load of semen escapes from your penis, and rushes into Amethyst. She begins panting, and moaning, as she stops moving to catch her breath. She pants for a bit before slowly clambering off of you. She lays down beside you, and shivers. You are about to ask how she is doing, but when you look over, she is passed out. But she then smiles, and sighs. You stare at her for a minute, before deciding for yourself, that sleep actually doesn't sound too bad.

~The End

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 21, 2015 ⏰

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