Chapter 3!

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After my little bicker with Lou, Harry finally came back and fully clothed I might add.

Cheeky little boy

"Hey I'm Harry"

"Hi I'm Lila"

"Lila! I hear that LiLi found out you were watching finding Nemo and had a hissy fit about it!"

I giggled "He did"

We walked into the large flat. When you walk in the first thing you see is a cream colored hallway with a closet on the right. When you get to the end it opens up to a wide beige colored living room with 2 mocha couches and a love seat. To the right is a ginormous kitchen with a brown and chrome color scheme. Back in the living room is a set of stairs that wind up and around and disappear into an unknown space.

"Um err uhg, wwweeellll um how about I put the movie in?"

"Okay!" Lou and Harry said in unison. That's creepy.

I walked over to their flat screen and popped it in. Only for Liam and, .............. OH MY F****** GOD NIALL AMD ZAYN! Holy mother of god. Do they all have this affection me?

"H-hi" I said

"Hey" Liam chirped.

Cue awkward silence

"Um Lila this is Niall and Zayn, Zayn, Niall this is Lila."



I turned to look at Liam, "Hey Liam I put in the movie" his eyes widened and I could tell he as going to fan girl in about





"Whoa" I said "Liam calm down"


I whispered to Zayn "I think he has really lost it this time"

They all nodded their head In agreement

I shrugged my shoulders and screamed "FISH ARE FRIENDS NOT FOOD"

Followed with a very hearty "SHARK BAIT WHOHAHA" I ran around screaming it until someone caught me by my waste and hoisted me up.

"Calm yourself child" Harry's deep voice echoed through my ears. I shuddered. That boy gives me the fee- NO I can NOT think like this!

I squirmed under his grasp and finally he loosened and let go

"Right" Niall said "Lets get into it then"

I burst out laughing at what he said. Everyone stared at me like I had six heads. I had to be the smart and mature one and say "Lets get into it then" I mocked and then added " That's what she said!"

The idiots finally caught on and Niall turned a deep crimson while every one was legit ROFLING.

After we wer done laughing with the occasional giggle Niall was muttering profanities and me trying hard not to smile but failed.

"Right where's your popcorn?" I asked them

"In the kitchen top shelf above the stove"

I found the popcorn and then some soda all we needed was chocolate and we're good.

"Where's your chocolate?"

"Right here baby" Lou said and pointed to himself

"Cheeky bas-"

"OKAY, so haha Louis making enemies already?" Liam said clearly avoiding me swearing.

" Hey what can I say, her feisty ness turnes me on"

I scoffed and looked at him in total disbelief

"Did you seriously just say that?"

"Hey, don't be hatin on the Doncaster boy" Harry playfully scolded


"Who crawled up your ass and took a shit" I said totally smoothly (note sarcasm)

At this the boys including Liam were laughing their buts off and I just stood their totally oblivious as to what on this god forsaken earth was sooooo hilarious.

"What?" I asked innocently

"Y-you s-said th-that s-something crawled up h-his butt.... Bwahahahahahahaha"

"Seriously you thought that was funny? You'll be snorting then by the end of my first paragraph being said."

After about 5 minutes of laughing it finally subsided to an occasional giggle here and there.

*cue awkward silencio*

"Well" I said "we should watch the movie...........?"

"Yeah!" they all chorused

Gosh it feels so weird I feel like I've known them my whole life or something as like my best friends. We wandered over to the couch. I snuggled up to a pillow.

When we were at the part where The clown fish and the other weird ass purple fish were inside a whale I felt a pair of strong muscular arms snake around my waist. I looked up expecting to see




Defiantly not


Not even close


Okay seriously dude you are bipolar


Bing bing bing and she wins the prize I mean it only took her FIVE GUESSES.

He smiled down at me and I smiled back at him and

O TO THE M TO THE G I FELT F-ing butterflies I tell you! Butterflies!

These boys were amazing and so fit and super friendly but I wonder if we could even be friends and maybe I can even trust someone with my deepest darkest secret.


Ta daaaaa

Sorry I know it's totally rushed but come on people I just couldn't help myself

I told my very first person who commented besides my friends I would dedicate this chapter to her and that's exactly what I'm doing

Introducing the one the only -

*clap clap clap*

Thanks to her advice I had total freaking inspiration mode flipping on here and had a wonderful Idea of a DEEP SECREEEEETTTTT.

So check her out and vote for her story and read the Knight in Leather Armer

It is freaking Amazayn thank you my lovelies and good day


Lacy <3 XO XO

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 11, 2013 ⏰

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